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Safety measures against COVID-19 (in the bus, tram etc.

1. Persons should keep a distance of at least one meter between them. COVID-19 is a virus that
spreads through air, more specifically through the exceptionally fine droplets of saliva left in
the air after a person sneezes or coughs without covering his/her mouth with a hand.
2. People must cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing. This is one of the most
important hygiene rules used to prevent further spread of viruses, especially COVID-19, due
to its spreading mechanisms.
3. Do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose if you have not used proper disinfection methods
beforehand. Note also that your hands should be as clean as possible at every moment of
the day. Soap, hand sanitizers, medical alcohol etc. are all good examples of substances that
can be used against contacting the virus.
4. Do not, on any account, touch any surfaces barehanded in the public transport that you are
travelling with. COVID-19 is a virus that can leave outside its host for a significant amount of
time. It can last days, as well as weeks inside the droplets of saliva not only in air, but also on
surfaces that are not regularly disinfected.
5. Infected people should always wear a mask in public. This safety measure is necessary only if
the person in cause has been confirmed with Coronavirus. The mask is meant to limit the
direct contact with an ill person.
6. Make sure you clean your hands each time you eat, sneeze or cough. In the last two cases, it
is indicated to use a handkerchief to clean your nose.
7. Public transport vehicles must be sterilized using chlorine-based compounds and other such
virucide substances before they can be used to transport large crowds of individuals.
8. A good method of preventing the contact with the illness would be wearing gloves in public.
This is more of an optional rule, but it is nevertheless as efficient as wearing a mask in the
fight against Coronavirus.
9. Another such means would represent the acquisition of a pair of sunglasses to prevent
contact with the virus for your eyes.
10. Try to use public transports as rarely as possible. Alternative transports that allow you avoid
large groups of people, such as the car, the bicycle, the car etc., are more beneficial, both to
you and the community.

11. Limiting the number of people allowed on the bus by permitting access into the bus through
the first door (closest to the driver)

TASK: Write a draft of a 200-word proposal about limiting the spreading of the coronavirus in means
of public transport.

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