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Fit Ahyar B.

Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Diponegoro

From Plastic Waste to a Good Environment

Plastic is one of the material in almost every items. Most people use plastic everyday
and every activities. So, many plastic waste littered everywhere. As we know, plastic is a
material that difficult to decompose by microorganism and can cause pollution to
environment. If plastic waste littered to the river, it will cause flood. While, if plastic waste
burned, it will produce gas that can pollute the air and disturb human breathing, and it burried
in the ground will pollute the soil and ground water.
Based on the facts above, we must use plastic wisely by applicating the 3R principles
or Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. The first principle is Reduce. Reduce is one of the effort to
reduce the total of plastic wastes that collected and transported to the landfill. The examples
of the application are bringing tote bag when shopping, use tumbler bottle to drink, and use
stainless straw/without straw when buy beverages. The second principle is Reuse. Reuse is
one of the effort not to produce waste by using back again the items. The example of this
principle is reusing the bottle to the same function or others. The last principle is Recycle.
Recycle is one of the effort to utilize plastics into useful product. The examples are using the
plastic packaging to make bag and bottle to make pot or others storage for daily needs. Not
only that, we can also recycle plastic by making ecobrick. Ecobricks is a method to reduce
plastic by filling the plastic bottle with anorganic wastes (plastic, paper, tissue, and others)
until hard and solid. After that arrange it into tables/chairs/others arts that have selling value.
Plastic waste is a small thing but can destroy the environment. So, let’s solve the
plastic waste by doing a small thing in every habit to a better environment.

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