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Name: ___________________ 1st Year: Biology MAIN CAMPUS Test Session: 2014-15

Time: 70 Min Date: 04-03-2015 Marks: 40

Q 1: choose the correct answer (11 x 1 = 11)

i. Carnivorous plants live in soils that are deficient in ---------------
A) Water b) oxygen c) nitrogen d) iron
ii. Digestion in hydra and planeria takes place in --------
A) Coelom b)alimentary canal c) gastrovascular cavity d) mouth
iii. -------- prevent food from entering in nasal cavity
A) Epiglottis b) soft palate c) tongue d) pharynx
iv. ------------- feed on organic debris mixed with soil.
A) Detritivores b) omnivores c)filter feeders d)macrophagous feeders
v. ------------ live only in living host
A) Endoparasite b) obligate parasite c) facultative parasite d) none of these
vi. ------- is the muscle at the end of stomach
A) Pyloric sphincter b) cardiac sphincter c) iliocolic sphincter d) gastro sphincter
vii. Deficiency of ……….results in chlorosis.
a. Magnesium b. Iron c. Phosphorus d. Potassium
viii. Root nodules are present in leguminous plants in which lives
a. Nitrogen fixing bacteria b. Nitrifying bacteria
b. Denitrifying bacteria d. All above
ix. Dionaea muscipula is the scientific name of
a. Pitcher plant b. Sun dew c. Venus fly trap d. Dodder
x. There is a large gap between incisors and premolars and canines are massing in
a. Cat b. Sheep c. Lion b. Monkey
xi. Seizing and swallowing type of macrophagous feeding is present in
a. Spotted dog fish b. Garden snail c. Hydra d. d. All above

Q. 2: give short answers (8 x 2 = 16)

i. Draw a diagram to show steps of digestion in amoeba.
ii. Briefly write steps of holozoic nutrition.
iii. What is saprophytic nutrition in plants?
iv. Write different cell types and their secretions in gastric gland.
v. What is oxyntic cells and chief cells?
vi. What is mastication? What are its advantages?
vii. What is pyrosis? Give its causes.
viii. How does the hunger pang create?

Q 3: a). Explain the digestion in cockroach. (4)

b). Write the structure and function of human stomach in detail. (4)
Q. 4: practical:
Briefly explain the followings: (05)
a. Epipetalous b. Actinomorphic flower
b. Perigynous flower c. Axial placentation d. Bract

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