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A Student's Guide to

is considered an important

tool in learning any content area

taking down notes, in

especially in

answering tests and exercise, and in

doing assignments at home.
Louise Spear-Swerling

(2006) said that although word-processing programs and assistive

technology are undeniably advantages to children with writing problems,
these do not eliminate the need for explicit teaching of handwriting and that

attention to the linkages among handwriting, reading, and spelling skills

can help to reinforce early achievement across these areas.
8 Benefits of
The brain engages differently when
we write something by hand as
opposed to typing it on a keyboard or
by touching a screen.
Studies show that writing improves memory;
students retain learning better when working with
new ideas through handwriting instead of typing.
There is something uniquely
physical and multidimensional
about  putting pen to paper to
form words and sentences.

Engaging the body in writing by hand

helps make writing a more holistic
Learning the alphabet by
interacting with each letter
in many different physical ways helps
students imprint and retain the letters
and the letter sounds for easier recall
when learning to read.
many accomplished people
keep a small notebook and
pen handy so that they can
jot down ideas in the moment
and refer back to them later.
HANDWRITING many historical documents
are written in cursive and
only a few can decipher
because not everyone learned
to write in one's own
Slow down and focus with your thoughts

writing by hand conveniently holds

such a space for thoughts to fully form
before being set down in sentences
"no two handwritings are alike"

Handwriting is unique to each individual

writer, unlike typeface.

One’s handwriting style, and especially one’s

signature, is a public and permanent

Learning to write well can help make that

statement strong, beautiful, and – perhaps
most importantly – legible.
Handwritten notes to friends and loved
ones are intimate and personal in a way
that email and typewritten text cannot
fully convey.

Nothing but handwriting can fully

represent the mood and personality of
the writer.

A personalized handwritten note

is a creative gift to cherish!
• To learn the correct way of
holding a pencil in a comfortable

• To write the lowercase and

uppercase letters correctly;
• To join letters in forming words
with accuracy and neatness;

• To construct meaningful
sentences and paragraphs using
the correct strokes in writing;
• To develop visual-motor skills;

• To undertake writing tasks for a

variety of purposes and audiences;

• To create positive changes in the

students’ values and attitudes
towards writing as a means of
expressing themselves.

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