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CFE 105 MODULE 1 8.

Eat whatever is served = Do not be

Ad Extra “Going Out” 9. Heal the sick
- availability of oneself to be sent where 10. If not accepted by that town “Shake off
CICM mission is needed especially to those the dust from your feet and leave” =
who are in need denotes separation from those who did not
- respect and reservation of the integrity of accept missionary work
whole creation
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis
Benedict XVI World Mission Day
- “deepest poverty is spiritual poverty” = - stimulated missionary conversion in many
inability for joy and tediousness of life = communities
results to lack of love, jealousy, avarice that - Theme “Baptized and Sent: The Church of
devastate lives of individuals and of the Christ on Mission in the World”
world - Prophet Isaiah “Here am I, Send Me” as
the response to “Whom shall I send?” =
Porta Fidei challenges the Church and humanity as
- a letter that is a call to celebrate a Year of WHOLE in the current world crisis
Faith “New Evangelization” - we are all fragile and disoriented but each
- crisis of faith is the greatest challenge to of us is in need for comforting the other
the Church = denial of faith results to loss of - pain, suffering and death remind us of our
deepest identity deepest desire for life and liberation from
Mission of the Seventy
- Luke 10: 1-23 The New Areology of Mission
1. Appointed 70 and set them in pairs to - Challenge: How to re engage Western
every town and place where Jesus is about secularized humanity in the search for
to go = for safety, strength and support meaning - or rather, to give it fresh focus
because they are vulnerable to danger - New Evangelization in the digital age for
2. “Lambs among wolves” = surrounded by the search of meaning = respects human
danger or vulnerable to Satan’s attack freedom and autonomy and can dialogue
3. Do not carry purse, bags, sandals = Live with diversity
by faith no other provisions and - Church should be involved in new sectors
dependence from God for supply; to travel of evangelization = new Areopaguses of
light Mission = crossing boundaries and
4. Do not greet the people you passed on encourages laity to participate
the way = Be focused and to do task of 1. Personal transcend God as part of
proclaiming the good news with urgency human affairs (cultural sector)
5. “Peace to this house” = Extend your 2. Laity enter into collegiality
blessing in the houses you enter (interconnected and interdependent) with
6. Be content. Stay in the same house who other people and culture (social sector)
received you 3. Laity live evangelical idea of poverty
7. Receive your due for the mission (economic sector) and comply with orders of
medical sector to flatten curve
4. Laity pursue peace, liberation of people, - AFTER VATICAN II COUNCIL: mission
promotion of lPs rights and integrity of stands at the center of the Church with
creation (civic sector) responsibility to proclaim the Gospel to its
5. Laity are challenged to live their lives in own people and participate in the universal
aid of virtual reality (science, technology mission of the Church
and communication sector) - Distinction b/n sending Churches and
6. Laity returns to religion promoting peace receiving Churches diminishes = solidarity
and inter-existence and not fundamentalism b/n autonomous Churches equal in dignity
or violence (religious sector) that give and receive = MISSION IS
New Trajections of CICM Mission - Missionaries are at the center of this
- CICM Tomorrow = accepted challenge of solidarity = instruments of missionary
reconceiving missionary identity dynamism and communion b/n Churchers
(a) adapt process of reinvention and
revitalization Evangelizing Mission or Evangelization
(b) explore new missionary paradigms - 3 situations in the world today from the
(c) develop new missionary strategies POV of evangelization:
- impact of globalization includes poverty, 1. There are Christian communities with
murder, unemployment, depletion of natural, adequate structures who bear witness to the
migration, increased crime rates and Gospel, in their surroundings that have a
terrorism = dehumanization and sense of commitment to the Church’s
meaninglessness universal mission
- CICM support promotion of global ethics 2. There is missionary activities intended for
for a meaningful co-existence = MUTUAL people and human groups who do not know
AND RELIGIONS 3. There are countries where entire groups
- incorporation of justice, peace, integrity of of baptized lost the living sense of faith or
creation not considered as members of Church
- ecumenism and interreligious dialogue needing new evangelization

Church and Mission in the Second Terms

Vatican Council - Missionary adaptation or
- the mission of those who follow Jesus accommodation: a missionary adapts
finds its origin in a deep experience - himself to a new culture in view of a more
charity, prayer and contemplation grow this effective evangelization
deep experience - Acculturation: two cultures enter into
- mission is a consecration to Christ, lived in contact; a process of cultural adaptation
charity and prayer imposed by a stronger culture on another
- end missionary activity is evangelization weaker one (e.g. Colonization)
and forming of the Church - Enculturation: a person grows gradually
- BEFORE: young Churches is the center into his own culture, its values and
of the missionary decree and main agents standards
of mission - Inculturation: meeting of two groups of
people bearers of different cultures
> slow and gradual culture; missionary activity is manifestation
> guided by two principles: of God’s plan
(1) compatibility with the Gospel - God’s Kingdom is the communion of
(2) the need to remain in communion with people with God and communion between
the universal Church them
> missionaries inculturate themselves from - Church is at the service of this Kingdom
other cultures by learning the language and by:
discovering the cultural values through (a) establishing ecclesial communities open
study and experience towards others and ready to render them
Mission and Salvation (b) spreading the world Gospel values such
- there is a strong link between mission and as justice, love, peace and brotherhood
salvation (c) contributes to the divine plan of salvation
- Salvation: integral salvation that through witness and through such activities
embraces the whole person of dialogue, commitment for justice,
- we are all called to a common destiny = education and care of the sick
the fullness of life in God = becoming a man
he accepted our human nature in its
- Mission: an accurate indicator of our faith
in Christ and His love for us
- salvation is achieved by opening oneself to
the love of Christ and belonging to the
visible Church (mission)

Interreligious Dialogue
- part of the Church’s evangelizing mission
- any missionary activity has to be done in
respect for the person and culture
- the more we become aware of cultural and
religious pluralism = the more we accept
that interreligious dialogue is a path towards
the Kingdom of God

The Finality of Mission: the Kingdom of

- Evangelizing mission includes:
(a) proclamation of Gospel leads to
engelization and the building of the Church
(b) promotion of justice and liberation from
oppression, dialogue with people, cultures
and religions
- God’s Kingdom: manifestation of and
realization of God’s salvific plan for every

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