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8 – QJ, top pair on hotspot turn – Standard Line, Polarization

Student: I decided not to bet again on the turn because the pool is folding too much on
flush-closing turns. [Click here to review the standard line.]

Nick: Correct. We have a clear check back on the turn because of the flush closing board,
which is overfolded. (Flush-closing turns, and paired turns are known hotspots which
should be auto-bluffed without showdown value.) Betting here without KJ or better would
be a polarization error.

1.9 – AQs, pair of queens – Standard Line

Student: I am wondering if my strong ace high functions better as a check on the turn.

Nick: This is a correct standard line for a single-raised pot out of position as the preflop
raiser. (Click here to review the standard line). We do not have to worry about
polarization issues on the turn even with strong A-x, because our range is pushing equity
on the villains by the turn.

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