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Daffodil International University

Department of Software Engineering

Faculty of Science and Information Technology (FSIT)

Lab Final Examination, Semester: Fall 2019

Course Code: SWE 224, Course Title: Database Systems Lab
Course Teacher: NJ (A,B,C)

Time: 1:30 Hours SET A Marks: 100

Consider the following schema:

Table: HomeOwner Table: Home

ownerNID ownerTel ownerName age homeNumber homeName road area buildDate

112233 0151 Mr X 44 H123 BlessHome 32A Shankar 3/11/2018
223344 0161 Miss Y 31 H456 PearlIsland 05B Jigatola 14/06/2019
334455 0171 Miss Z 29 H678 DurgaShelter 32A Dhanmondi 22/08/1017
556677 0181 Mr B 38 H890 MokkaVilla 15A Dhanmondi 3/11/2018
H901 ShantiKutir 08A Dhamondi 22/08/2016

Table: HomeLoan

homeNumber ownerNID loanDate Amount

H123 112233 02/10/2017 15,0000
H678 334455 05/07/2016 21,0000
H456 223344 11/05/2018 7,50000
H890 556677 21/02/2016 11,0000
H901 223344 24/07/2015 22,0000

1. Create the tables for above scenario with correct relationship

2. Insert all the data to tables
3. Show the information of owner who have before 2016 or age more than 40 years
4. Find the loan date of house whose owner name contains “is”
5. Find the highest amount of loan and show as “HIGEST AMOUNT”
6. Show all information of Home in descending order based on area
7. Find all owner id and age for each buildDate if he/she is more than 40 years old
8. Show the HomeNumbers who are not “0151” users
9. Rename home to your homeName loaned before “01/01/2016”
10. Delete all information from loan whose name is “Mr B”

[Congratulations! If you can copy paste and pass the job interview]
Daffodil International University
Department of Software Engineering
Faculty of Science and Information Technology (FSIT)

Lab Final Examination, Semester: Fall 2019

Course Code: SWE 224, Course Title: Database Systems Lab
Course Teacher: NJ (A,B,C)

Time: 1:30 Hours SET B Marks: 100

Consider the following schema:

Table: HomeOwner Table: Home

ownerNID ownerTel ownerName age homeNumber homeName road area buildDate

12478 0100 Abul 49 H711 MeadowView 611C Illinois 13/11/2018
35897 0200 Olivia 28 H843 Rose Cottage 521C Wisconsin 04/06/2019
54758 0371 Ava 37 H543 The Hollies 213D N Carolina 12/05/1017
77867 0181 Babul 22 H127 The Willows 11B Ohio 13/12/2018
H272 Springfield 67A WVille 21/08/2016

Table: HomeLoan

homeNumber ownerNID loanDate Amount

H711 12478 22/11/2017 22,0000
H843 35897 15/08/2015 16,0000
H543 54758 11/05/2016 35,0000
H127 35897 21/02/2016 71,0000
H272 77867 24/07/2015 62,0000

1. Create the tables for above scenario with correct relationship

2. Insert all the data
3. Show information of HomeLoan in descending order based on loan date
4. Find what is the total amount of loan given to all as “TOTAL”
5. Find the ownerName who owns “The Hollies” or “Springfield”
6. Find customer name who do not have more than one loan
7. Search the name of house located in area ends with “sin”
8. Update name of owner to your Name who owned home “The Hollies”
9. Find all the house owner names except “The Willows”
10. Delete information of loan date taken before “21 February 2016”

[Congratulations! If you can copy paste and pass the job interview]
Daffodil International University
Department of Software Engineering
Faculty of Science and Information Technology (FSIT)

Lab Final Examination, Semester: Fall 2019

Course Code: SWE 224, Course Title: Database Systems Lab
Course Teacher: NJ (A,B,C)

Time: 1:30 Hours SET C Marks: 100

Consider the following schema:

Table: HomeOwner Table: Home

ownerNID ownerTel ownerName age homeNumber homeName road area buildDate

9875 555123 James 49 H778 OldSchool 12B Oklahoma 3/11/2018
8674 555234 Emma 21 H224 Mill House 05A Utah 14/06/2019
7853 554876 Amelia 39 H245 Oaklands 11A Manie 22/08/1017
5647 553768 Oliver 28 H876 Honeysuckle 27A Lowa 3/11/2018
H786 Haven 05A Missouri 22/08/2016

Table: HomeLoan

homeNumber ownerNID loanDate Amount

H778 9875 12/11/2016 15,0000
H224 8674 25/06/2017 21,0000
H245 7853 21/05/2015 7,50000
H876 5647 21/02/2014 11,0000
H786 8674 21/02/2015 32,0000

1. Create the tables for above scenario with correct relationship

2. Insert all the data
3. Find the Telephone number of the owner who owns home having “less” from the second of home name
4. Show what is the average loan amount provided to all as “AVERAGE”.
5. Find owners telephone who have two or more house
6. Find the homeNumber who lives in “11A” and whose name is “Amelina”
7. Show information of HomeOwner in ascending order considering their name
8. Find the houses those are not owned by 21 to 39 years old persons
9. Change the Telephone to your number who lives in “12 B”
10. Delete information of loan against home “H786”

[Congratulations! If you can copy paste and pass the job interview]

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