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How can the digital marketing team put together a plan to meet its “lead funnel”
target of $1.5 billion for FY 2015/16? Suggest a proportional reallocation of the
budget, with justification.

To reach a target of $1.5 billion for FY 2016 is a big challenge in front of the team.
The possible ways they can go for are:

a) Increased focus on remarketing campaigns and paid-search campaigns

Today, the general trend has become that the consumer search for the
product and then looks for alternative and in the process, delays the actual
purchase. In such scenario, remarketing may be a great plan as it not only
will increase brand recall in consumers but may also help in boosting lead
conversion rates.

b) Enhancing and optimizing Website performance

Website is most likely the first display of the organization. Less load time,
user friendly interface, appealing visuals and info-graphics may increase
the time customer is engaged with the website. Investing and making the
website efficient may increase lead generation and conversion rates.

Lead Magnets are a great way to get a record of all the footprints which
can also be taken into consideration by offering small discounts or e-books.

c) Social Media campaigns

Several B2B businesses are now actively engaging with followers on social
media. HCL-Tech can also invest in business-specific campaigns for selected
target audience.

Budget Reallocation:
Suggested for FY 2015-
More Measures Past FY 2014-2015
SEO 25% 15%
Website 41.5% 30%
Paid Platforms 9.5% 40%
Others (Social Media,
Bloggers, Influencers) 24% 15%
allocated to Paid Platforms as paid platforms leads to remarketing which results in better
conversion and brand recall. Keywords related advertisements are on a high and bidding on
business-specific keywords will lead to increase traffic on the website as well. Also, as said
by Agarwal, Search has been the largest source of leads to the website.

With increased traffic, maintenance and optimizing website is a must for a better
user experience. So, it has been allocated 30% of the budget as the purchase may
take place here itself. Subsequently, little lower budgets have been allocated to
SEO and other forms of digital marketing channels.

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