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Let’s stop violence

against women and girls!

DAY 2 (Tuesday):
 Activity: “Do not tolerate violence!”
 Competence: Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lengua extranjera
DAY 4 (Thursday):
 Activity: “Do it yourself”
 Competence: Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera

 Escoger un final apropiado para una historia y crear un dibujo que represente su final.

ACTIVITY 1: “Do not tolerate violence!”

 Listen to and read the story.
Antes de leer la historia “Do not tolerate violence!”, te invitamos a conocer a los personajes
de la historia. Ellos son:

 Ahora leerás la historia, escucharás el audio y posterior a eso leerás nuevamente la historia.

 Look at the pictures. Go back to the story. Match the pictures with the correct part of the story:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H.
 Which is NOT a message of the story? Choose the best option.

a. If a person makes you feel bad, it is violence.

b. True love respects you.
c. True love makes you happy.
d. Love one person forever.
ACTIVITY 2: “Do it yourself” (Challenge)
 Ahora que ya leíste la historia de la Actividad 1: “Do not tolerate violence!”, estás lista/o para el
siguiente reto: escoge un final apropiado para la historia y crea un dibujo que represente este

What’s the end of the story?

Option A:

Sandra felt bad and decided to take Karate lessons. She learned to fight. One day
when Mario humiliated Sandra, she hit Mario.
Sandra’s classmates told the teacher that Sandra was the problem and called her
parents. Finally, Sandra was expelled from school.

Option B:

Sandra and Mario finished school and got married. They had three children. Mario
hit Sandra when he was drunk, but nobody noticed.
Sandra always thought she was the problem in the relationship and decided to
live this life forever.

Option C:

Sandra felt bad and told her best friend Vanesa that she needed help. Vanessa
told the teacher that Sandra was a victim of violence. The teacher called 100 line
for help. Sandra learned that true love respects you and makes you happy. Her
true friends and family helped Sandra. Sandra decided to finish her relationship
with Mario forever.

Sigue los siguientes criterios para redactar correctamente tu reto.

Your text should have the following characteristics:
Characteristics or criteria Yes No
El final de la historia que elegiste es coherente con los hechos de la historia y con el
mensaje que quiere dar el lector.
La imagen que dibujaste representa el final de la historia.

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