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Chemical Methods

 Seed treatment with chemicals 2 fumigation of soil, warehouse

 Chemical control of insect vectors of pathogens
 Use of chemical protectants and chemotherapeutants which include copper compounds,
inorganic and organic sulfur compounds, benzene compounds, quinines, heterocyclic
compounds, the systematic biocides, antibiotics, grown regulators and other organic
E. Biological Methods

Biological methods employ the use of microorganisms that compete with, parasitize, or are
antagonistic to the pathogen

1. Cross protection

This refers to the protection of a plant by a mild strain, against infection by another strain of that
same virus which is more virulent and causes more severe symptoms.

2. Interference

Roots infected or colonized by mycorrhiza seem to be protected from infection by Fuisarium,

Pythium, and other pathogens. The mycorrhizae may provide a barrier to the infection by

Crown gall caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was found to be effectively controlled if the
seeds, seedlings or rootstocks are treated with a bacterial suspension of a strain of A.

3. Use of Bacteriophages

Laboratory experiments have indicated control of bacterial pathogens by mixing bacterial

inoculum with the phage. Its widespread use as control measure has, however, not been

4. Use of Parasites or antagonists of pathogens

Several mycoparasites have been observed on many pathogenic fungi. Fusarium root rot of corn
can be controlled by treating seeds or dipping seedlings in solutions containing the antagonistic
microorganism. Soil amendments that favor the growth of antagonists may be added to the soil,
thus reducing the numbers of the pathogenic population. Hyperparasitic fungi that attack fungal
pathogens such as rusts, downy mildew, root rotting fungi, etc., viruses, protozoa, and other soil
organisms. Their use to control the nematode population is promising but field application has
not been too successful.
5. Use of resistant varieties

a. Selection
Man, during the early years, developed several resistant varieties simply by planting seeds from
resistant. Plants in the field that survived the onslaught of a disease. Selection is still used today
to find sources of resistance for breeding purposes.
b. Gene pyramiding

Gene pyramiding involves the incorporation of several resistance genes in one host variety ao
that it would take the pathogen a long time to be able to overcome the resistance. These variety
will reduce the initial effective inuculum (XO) because chances are that only a minute proportion
of the pathogen population might infect it. Moreover, all the genes acting together would mimic
horizontal resistance, reducing the rate of infection as it reduces pathogen growth and

c. Multiline Varieties

A mulitiline variety is a mixture of several lines with similar agronomic characteristic but each
with a different gene for resistance. A pathogen would tend to invade only one or two of the
varieties in the multilane.

d. Gene or variety deployment

Gene or variety deployment involves the use of different resistance genes of varieties in various
geographical areas instead of the widespread monoculture being practice today. This would
reduce the chances of epidemics and pandemics occurring. However, its execution presents great
difficulties as it requires the cooperation of growers and governments over an extensive area.

6. Legislated of Regulatory control Methods

Now and then, the government enacts laws that regulate, restrict or prohibit the entry or
movements of diseased; plant materials into or within an area. It may also order certain activities
that are intended to contain a disease. Quarantine measures all deports of entry as well as post-
entry quarantines are regulatory measures.

III. The Control Decision

The decision whether or not to control a certain disease, when to control, and what method of
control to apply depends on the characteristics of the causal agent, disease severity or crop loss
estimate, used and value of the crop, and cost of control. A cost/benefit analysis is prepared
based on the assessed crop loss, crop value and used, and on the cost of applying certain control
measures. The cost of control should be much less than the value of the expected harvest.
Usually a threshold level of diseases or of pathogen population is determined, beyond which it is
no longer economically feasible to control the malady; very few growers practiced a control
program with the sound basis. The threshold level has not been established for the maturity of

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