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Service Encounter

Journal Entry: 05
Your Name: Farhim Apu
Name of Firm: Chase Bank Type of Service (industry): Banking
Date of Encounter: 05 January 2019 Time Encounter Occurred: 11 AM
What specific circumstances led to this encounter?
Answer: I am an international in SVSU and most of the time I need to get money from home for my
tuition fee. I told my uncle who have an account with Wells Fargo to send me $3600 to my chase bank
account. My uncle sent me the money on January 3rd, 2019. I was supposed to get the money within 2/3
business days. But I did not receive the money by that time. I called the chase bank customer care to get a

Exactly what did the firm/employee say or do?

Answer: When I called the customer care, I told me to give information about the transaction. I said that
the bank should have the information and they should know where the transaction came from. Then the
representative tried to tell me that the transaction was done from my uncle’s bank was not processed. I
was also advised to call the other bank. I called my uncle and requested him to check with his bank.
Wells Fargo processed that payment the very first day. So, basically, that representative lied to me. I
called the chase bank again and asked for an explanation, but they could not give me any explanation. I
asked them when they can make the money available in my account and they asked for more than 5
business days.

How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Highlight or bold appropriate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
extremely extremely
dissatisfied satisfied

What exactly made you feel that way?

Answer: I was extremely dissatisfied as I could not get my money on time for the tuition. Moreover, I
was shocked as the representative did not give me the correct information and tried to mislead. Now, I
decided to go to the bank and see the manager myself. The manager told me that there was a server
problem for which the transaction was not processed. I asked him if he can do it as soon as possible as I
had to pay my tuition.

What could the employee/firm have done to make you happier with the encounter?
Answer: The repetitive should have given me the correct information which I deserve as a customer.
Even if the representative did not know what was going on, she should not give any false information.
Although the manager processed my money after two days, I was not satisfied with the overall

How likely is it that you will go back to this service firm? (Highlight or bold appropriate number.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
extremely extremely
unlikely likely

Answer: It was a bad experience in a nutshell. Although I still have the account, I do not use it that much.

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