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Full name: Nguyễn Diệp Thuận – 4501701143

Topic: Is social media damaging our personal relationships?

I strongly believe that social media is damaging our personal relationships. First of all, social media is
very addictive. Nowadays, most people look at their phones instead of interacting with their partners or
friends face to face. Another reason is that social media can be very fake. It does not portray reality, but
merely what people want you to see. You could also become jealous of others and of what their lives
seem to portray. This could cause unhappiness in your relationships. My final reason is social media can
also cause infidelity. There are so many couples who have caught their partners cheating via means of
social media. It is easy to start up a conversation with an old crush on social media and end up leading to
more things. In conclusion, social media can be a great way of communication, but it could also lead to
distance in a relationship or even infidelity.

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