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Periodical Test in Mother Tongue-III

Table of Specification

Area Item Number Placement

Use action word in a 10 1-10
Use indefinite pronoun in 10 11-20
the sentence.
Identify indefinite 5 21-25
pronoun used in the
Arrange words in 10 26-35
alphabetical order.
Make an inference about 3 36-38
the person.
Add affixes and 2 39-40
prefixes to form new
Total Number of Items 40
Third Periodical Test
English II
(File submitted to

Name: ________________________________________ Score: _________

Grade/Section: _________________________________ Date: __________

I. Choose the correct form of verb to complete the sentence.

1. Filipinos (help, helps) each other in times of difficulties.

2. The teacher (teach, teaches) the children some folk dances.
3. Folk dances (promote, promotes) our own culture and tradition.
4. Many people (appreciate, appreciates) the government for holding a folkdance festival.
5. They (learn, learns) other folk dances from other parts of the country.
6. The girls (practice, practices) the dance number every afternoon.
7. Dora (dance, dances) the Singkil most gracefully.
8. Some children (prepare, prepares) the stage for the program.
9. Mrs. Teodoro (teach, teaches) the class some Filipino dances.
10. Willy (join, joins ) the practice everyday.

II. Underline the indefinite pronoun in each sentence.

11. I think someone is singing at the gate.

12. Nobody will be caroling at this time of the morning.

13. I hear somebody playing the guitar.

14. Teamwork is helping someone out when he needs it.

15. It is the spirit that pushes everyone to work together as one.

16. Anything is possible to achieve everybody helps out.

17. All win as a team and all lose as a team.

18. I don’t hear anybody singing.

19. We did not expect anyone to come out and serenade us on our birthday.

20. I am sure everyone is expecting us to open the gate now.

III. Encircle the correct indefinite pronoun (21-25)

Ana dreamed of becoming a teacher someday, but (nobody, everyone) helped her enter
school. They were very poor. She lived to find ways to help her parents. She didn’t mind
working, as long as she can buy (anyone, something) for school.

One day, (somebody, nobody) from the barangay wrote a letter to the mayor about
Ana. The mayor asked (somebody, all) to look for Ana and bring her to the office. The mayor
gave her scholarship. (Everybody, anyone) felt happy upon hearing the news.

IV. (26-35) Arrange the following words alphabetically. Number them 1 – 5.

_____sampaguita _____giraffe
_____rose _____goat
_____gumamela _____turkey
_____sunflower _____shark
_____ilang-ilang _____elephant

V.Read each passage below. Make an inferenceabout the person being referred
to. Write your answer on your paper.

________36. I start tilling the soil while the sun is not yet up. Soon, I will sow the rice grains. I
will count months before I would be able to harvest them. Who am I?
________37. I write, I read, I sing and I dance with children. I am happy that they learn. I will
serve as long as there are children who need my help. Who am I?
________ 38. I will make girls beautiful dresses. I will make boys fine-looking trousers. I will
make curtains to make your home attractive. Who am I?

VI. Write the prefix: mis, dis, un, in, ir to complete the words in the sentence.

39. I ___ placed my book, I cannot find it.

40. The money ___appeared in the magicians’ hand.

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