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Task 3 Multimedia

Jessica Allman

Student ID: 000433419

Program Mentor: Kelly Brown

TDT1, GHM1 Task 3

November 21, 2020

Task 3 Multimedia

The purpose of the video I created was to inform my target audience about selecting a

good fit book, a good fit space for reading it, where to find books, and how to practice reading to

self. I wanted a way to introduce the concept, that would be easy to understand and easy to return

to for future reference.

My target audience is students and other educators. I wanted to create a resource that

students could access through my website. I also wanted this to be useful to other educators in

the elementary education setting, to support them as they work with students on reading skills. I

felt that especially in our current climate, that having a digital tutorial (which also includes

digital sources for books) made the most sense for students and educators alike.

I chose to use Screencastify, because it is an extension for Google Chrome, that is very

easy to use and is already available in my browser. I use Screencastify in my daily classroom

duties, due to being 100% virtual learning right now, so it was a familiar choice for me.

I started by creating my storyboard, which I used index cards to create. I went through the

steps of my plan for the video process, by sketching out and making notes on the index cards.

Next I created a powerpoint slideshow, in which I added the important graphics and information

I wanted to convey in my video presentation.

After I created the presentation, with Google Slides, I opened up Screencastify, which is

accessible from my internet browser, as it is a Chrome extension that is pinned to my taskbar. To

start Screencastify, you will need to click the pink arrowhead in the task bar, and then select if

you want to record your desktop, your browser tab, or just record using the webcam.

Now that the slide presentation is open, and Screencastify is open and ready, you’ll click

“record” on the Screencastify window, and it will count down from 3, and beep when it starts

Task 3 Multimedia

Prior to the start of recording, I opened the slideshow in “presentation mode”, so it would

be full screen for the video. I started recording, and I narrated the slideshow, by walking through

the basic principles of selecting a good fit book, selecting a space to read the book, where to find

books, and the rules of reading to self.

Conceptual Framework: I used the storyboard format to plan and design my project, by

sketching out my plans on index cards. Picture provided below.

Using the storyboard format to design and develop my multimedia presentation allowed

me to visualize the layout of my presentation. It also allowed me to rearrange things, with little

to no impact on the project, so I could get an idea of how it would look with some changes. It

was a good organizational tool for use in the creative process. I liked the ability to “preview” my

video, prior to recording. Selecting the storyboard format allowed me to save on time, and

unnecessary recordings, by having a solid plan of action before I created my video recording.
Task 3 Multimedia

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