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8/19/2019 Comprehensive

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lizah balili a few seconds ago 2 min read


An architect's job doesn't just stop right after the project or structures is completed. The job
of an architect started in the planning stage and as the construction progresses the
architect's task also progresses until the completion of the project. Though, it doesn't end
right after because post-construction evaluations and inspections are needed.


The SPP Document 206 or also known as Comprehensive Architectural Services refers to the
range of professional services that cover Pre-design Services, Regular Design Services,
Specialized Architectural Services, Construction Services, and Post-Construction Services. It
resulted from the demands of emerging complex building projects. It transitioned the
connotation about an architect's job from "basic" to that of a comprehensive nature through
the realization that continuity of services related to design and construction is necessary for
the execution of completely viable projects.

Pre-design Services, Regular Design Services, Specialized Architectural Services,

Construction Services, and Post-Construction Services are all covered by the Comprehensive
Architectural Services.
The architect is not expected to do all these but he must be an instrument for the project
and client to allow these to happen.


This document shows that there is a wide variety in an architect's job in their field because
the job doesn't just end right after the completion of a project and the implementation of a
building project. Comprehensive Architectural Services is an essential document under the
Architecture Act of 2004. In this extended dimension, the Architect is the prime professional.
He functions as creator, author, and coordinator of the building design which becomes the
basis for the construction of a project. In order for him to be able to properly assist and serve
his Client, the Architect has to be knowledgeable in other fields in addition to building
The job of an architect is a continuous profession where learning never stops. 1/2
8/19/2019 Comprehensive
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