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Jeson Miguel
Olvera Ramírez
5 Things I don't like about myself

In this essay I would like you to know what I do not like about me, there are
many things that I like but it is also important sometimes to know the things
we do not like, because that will help us to know each other in a better way.

For example, something I don't like is my middle name, and when they call
me by my middle name, I get upset.
In the week I always have to get up at 7 and that's also something I don't
like, when I wake up early I get bad. Sometimes in the afternoons when I
arrive from school I go for a walk with my dog but when he is taken from
the bathroom, the place where it was made has to be cleaned by me.
sometimes also in the afternoon I will train mixed martial arts but some of
what I do not like is when I have to train with children because the training
is badly done by me, something that I do not like and has to do with it is
that the coach sometimes does not respect the schedule well and lets us
go out very night, then arriving home I have to do my homework and as
sometimes he does not give me time I ask my sister to please help me a
little to investigate and for being already very late sometimes I do not
explain well how I can help then the task is poorly written by my sister, and
I take it badly to school.
Those are some of the things that I don't like without mentioning some
personal ones like those of unpunctuality, impatient, distracted among
others, but as a conclusion we can say that this also helps us to be clear
about those that we don't like that we finally do them and they are part of
something that happens to us, as the author Jorge Bucay says and the
most important thing is to enjoy life being happy is all that matters.

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