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Consequences of poor listening could be well expressed through appropriate


Some attached videos express various types of poor listening.

Example 1:

If we see the first video “Politics the story of bad listening habits” we find out that
politics is surrounded with stories of bad listening habits which lead to dire
consequences. This animated video well expresses how the two political parties’
representatives indulge in AMBUSH LISTENING and blame each other for debt
deficit faults and try to justify their own policies. Ambush listening is a type of
poor listening where people purposefully listen to each other in order to find their
weak points or to use their own words against them later on. This results in
conflicts and communication gap.

Example 2:

In this second video “I'm listening! Wait, What Did You Say” we see that a
secretary is trying to explain her manager about some details they need to take care
of during a meeting due to cultural differences. However, the boss is PSEUDO
LISTENING where his attention is diverted white tying the tie. Thus he fails to
comprehend what actually the secretary is trying to explain. If a person involves in
doing something else while listening to something important his attention gets
diverted and a barrier occurs between listening and comprehension process. This
leads to failure in proper fulfillment of task as happened in this case where
manager failed to understand that he needs to focus on questioning and answering
session strategy in a manner which suits his particular clients as these clients do
not follow the same as they do. Improper eye contact and interruptions could be a
barrier in listening process.

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