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Complete First Adults - Year 1

Lesson 2
Page 163 and 169 Unit 2 Study grammar Making Comparisons and Adjectives with
-ED and -ING and Page 176 Spelling changes.
Page 21 study Phrasal verbs and expressions.
Page 27 study the feelings about and types of activities, in the orange box.
Page 29, complete grammar and vocabulary review, if you haven’t done it already.
Use the information from the unit to complete it.
Complete unit 2 in your workbook and then study. If you have already done unit 2,
make sure you have completed it properly and redo any questions which have been
marked as wrong.

Complete the grammar worksheet attached, Cambridge Grammar (purple one).

Write your answers in your notebook. You don’t need to do the writing on the last

Unit Test 2
When you have completed everything above, do Unit test 2. This should be
completed under exam conditions.
- You should ensure there are no distractions such as the TV or other people
around you.
- Make sure your phone is turned off, or away from you.
- Don’t be tempted to look for answers or ask someone else to help you with
the test.
- Complete the test in your notebook.
- The test should take no more than 30 minutes.

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