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Student guide #10

Activity 1

1.1 Listen to the conversations and infer whether the speakers are
expressing regret or relief in each conditional statement.


1.2 Listen again. Complete the paraphrase of what happened, according

to what you hear. use if it weren't for or if it hadn't been for.

1. He might still be waiting for the bus _ if it hadn't been for Ben.
2. if it hadn't been for the fact that they saw the other car, they might have
had an accident.
3. Millie would love to go on the tour if it weren't for her cold.
4. They might still be in line if it weren't for the fact that she speaks Spanish,
5. They wouldn’t be late for the play if it weren't for the flat tire.
6. it hadn't been for her thoughtlessness, she thinks they wouldn’t have

1.3 Rewrite each statement, using if it weren't for or if it hadn't been for.

1 Without this cold, I would go to the museum with you tomorrow'

If it weren’t for this cold, I would go to the museum with you tomorrow
2 I would have totally missed our appointment without the hotel wake-up call.
I would have totally missed your appointment if it hadn’t been for without the
hotel wake-up call.
3 Without that announcement, we would have gone to the wrong departure gate.
If hadn't been for that announcement, we would have gone to the wrong
departure gate
4 We would have arrived two hours early without the airline's text message'
We would have arrived two hours early if hadn't been for the airline's text
5 Without the flight attendant's help with this heavy bag, I would have gotten a
backache trying to put it in the overhead bin.
If it weren't for the flight attendant's help with this heavy bag i would have gotten
a backache trying to put it in the overhead bin

1.4 Complete the statements with true information, using if it weren't for
or if it hadn't been for.
1 I wouldn't speak English this well __________________
I wouldn't speak English this well if it hadn't been studied earlier.
2 I would [or wouldn't] have traveled outside of my country ___________
I would have traveled outside my country if it hadn't been for getting my passport
3 I would [or wouldn't] be a great athlete _______________
I would be a great athlete if it weren't for undisciplined with the exercise routine.
4 I would have gone out last night if It hadn't been late from work.

Activity 2
Read and listen to a conversation between two colleagues. Notice the
spotlighted language.

Vicky: Tom, do you have a minute?

Tom: Sure, Vicky. Come on in and have a seat. What's on your mind?
Vicky: You know, I may be imagining things, but I have the distinct impression that
my staff's either talking about me or has some kind of secret they don't want me to
know about.
Tom: What gives you that impression?
Vicky: well, for instance, for the last few days every time I get back from lunch, Bill
and Emma and Ron are all huddled together in Emma’s cubicle and talking, and the
minute they realize I'm there, they shut up. I mean, that's not normal, is it? It makes me
think they're talking about me behind my back.
Tom: Well, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't automatically assume that.
Vicky: I sound paranoid, don't I? I mean, it sounds crazy to think it has
something to do with me, right?
Tom: Not necessarily. Their behavior does seem to suggest they don’t want you to
know what they're talking about. Keep in mind that there may be a totally innocent
explanation. Have you considered the possibility that maybe one of them's got a job
offer, or that they're just gossiping? Hey! Who knows? Maybe they're gossiping about
Vicky: I suppose you're right.
Tom: Don't get me wrong. There's definitely something going on, but I wouldn’t
jump to any conclusions. [phone rings] I've got to take this. Just a sec ... Well, as a
matter of fact, she happens to be in my office right now. Why don’t you all just walk
over here, OK? . . . The cat's out of the bag, Vicky. We all know today's your birthday
and we've been planning a little surprise celebration. The gang's got a cake and a little
present for you. They're on their way over now.
Vicky: Oh, Tom. I feel like such an idiot!

2.1 understanding idioms and expressions. Find a spotlighted

expression that expresses a similar meaning.
1 Please don't misunderstand me. Don't get me wrong
2 it’s possible that what I'm thinking is an illusion. , I may be imagining things
3 Faced with the same situation as you. , if I were in your shoes
4 It's not a secret anymore. The cat's out of the bag
5 Tell me what you're thinking about. What's on your mind
6 Don't forget Keep in mind

2.2 Answer the questions. Explain your answers with information from
1 What makes Vicky think that her staff is talking about her behind her back?
The things that make her think that is because I notice that her classmates keep
quiet whenever she arrives.
2 Why is Vicky afraid that she sounds paranoid?
because she thinks she might be going crazy.
3 What does Tom mean when he says "there may be a totally innocent explanation"?
because maybe they are talking about some job or something else.

4 Did Tom know what Vicky's staff had been discussing?

I did know that they had a surprise prepared for you

Activity 3
3.1 Read each statement and choose the phrase that describes the
underlined word or Phrase.
1 Morning snow makes highways dangerous.
a refers to morning snow in general
b refers to the snow that fell this morning
2 I think animated movies are boring.
a refers to all animated movies
b refers to some animated movies
3 The present they sent me was very expensive
a refers to a present as a member of a class
b refers to a specific present I was sent
4 Some cultures regard the shark as a sign of luck
a refers to a specific shark we know about
b refers to sharks as a class or group
5 The queen will address Parliament this week
a refers to a specific queen
b refers to queens generically
6 A queen can address Parliament
a refers to a specific queen
b refers to queens generically

3.2 Complete the texts with “a – an – the” or write an “X” if the noun
shouldn’t have an article.
1. The British company claims to have invented machine that allows x people to
talk with their pets. company says the machine, called, the PetCom, will be
available later in the year.
2. It's well known that the carrots are a good source of ___x__vitamins. In fact, a
research has determined that drinking a glass of carrot juice every day can add
__x years to your life
3. The Weight Away diet plan promises to help you lose ___x weight fast.
The company guarantees that people following the plan can lose up to 10
kilograms per week.
4. Last week, the news reported that thousands of people had sent x money to an
organization advertising a shampoo that _the_organization claimed would grow
___x hair overnight.

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