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Beginning of Class

Students will be expected to enter the classroom in a calm fashion in an acceptable sound level.

Once the warning bell rings, if the school utilizes one, students are expected to be heading

towards their seats. They will have all necessary materials out and their backpacks tucked by

their feet under the desk. The objective, daily tasks, and bell work will be made available for the

students to read as I take attendance.

Managing Classroom Movement

Students will be required to remain in their seats whenever I am teaching or there is a student

presenting. They may quietly raise their hand if they need to move about the classroom. Once

they begin working in groups, they are allowed to move freely to sharpen their pencils or grab

materials as long as they return to their seat in a prompt manner. If a student needs to leave the

classroom, they will ask for permission and take the classroom pass.

Paper Work

When turning in completed assignments, one student will collect their groups’ papers and turn it

in in the designated place. When there are handouts, only one student will distribute them to

minimize traffic. Late work will be accepted but points will be taken away for every day the

work is late. Quizzes and tests will need to be made up within the week after school. They will

need to let me know at least 24 hours in advance.

End of Class

Students will be given enough time to clean up so they are ready to leave at the ring of the bell.

This means that they will not decide on their own when it is time to put away their materials.

Students should also remain in their seats until I open the door for them. They will leave in a

calmly and orderly manner.

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