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Name: ___________________________________

For problems or questions requiring a numerical answer, show all

calculation set-ups. No work = No credit!
1. Which of the following is not a pure substance? (1 pt.)
a) nitrogen gas c) iron
b) air d) sodium chloride
2. An example of a chemical property of formaldehyde (CH2O) is
(1 pt.)
a) It is a colorless gas.
b) It has a density of 0.815 g/ml.
c) It is corrosive.
d) It dissolves in alcohol.

3. Which of the following is a physical change? (1 pt.)

a) An iron nail rusts.
b) Mixing vinegar and solid baking soda produces bubbles.
c) Dry ice sublimes at room temperature.
d) Methane gas combusts in the presence of oxygen gas.
4. Which of the following terms is most appropriate when classi-
fying a pepperoni pizza? (1 pt.)
a) pure substance c) heterogeneous mixture
b) compound d) homogeneous mixture
5. Saltpeter is a mineral found in many parts of the world. A
sample of saltpeter taken from anywhere in the world has a
composition 38.7% K, 13.9% N, and 47.4% O. Based on this,
it can be concluded that saltpeter is (1 pt.)
a) an element. c) a heterogeneous mixture.
b) a compound. d) a homogenous mixture.
6. How many significant figures are in each of the following
numbers? (4 pts.)
a) 3.1400 _5___ c) 0.0006042 _4___
b) 45,300 __Ambiguous__ d) 0.04560700 7____
7. A flask contains 145.675 ml of saline solution. If 24.2 ml of
the saline solution are withdrawn from the flask, how should
the volume of the saline solution that remains in the flask
be reported (to the proper number of significant figures)?
(1 pt.)
a) 121.475 ml d) 121 ml
b) 121.48 ml e) 122 ml
c) 121.5 ml
8. Carry out the following calculation and report the answer
using the proper number of significant figures: (1 pt.)

a) 31.0185 ft/s d) 31.0 ft/s

b) 31.01 ft/s e) 31 ft/s
c) 31.02 ft/s
9. A typical red blood cell has a diameter of 7.50 x 10-6 m.
What is the diameter of a typical red blood cell in mm?
(2 pts.)

7.50x10-3 mm

10. How many liters are contained in a 67.6 ounce soft-drink bot-
tle? (1.00 ounce = 29.6 ml) (3 pts.)


11. How many miles are covered in a 15 km race? (1 mile = 5280

feet, 12 inches = 1 foot, 1 inch = 2.54 cm) (5 pts.)

93. miles

12. If a 185-lb patient is prescribed 145 mg of the cholesterol-

lowering drug Tricor daily, what dosage is the patient re-
ceiving in mg/kg of body mass? (1 pound = 454 grams) (3 pts.)

173 mg/Kg

13. 1.5 L of normal saline solution is required to be given over

4 hours. If the IV at the hospital delivers 10 drops per ml,
calculate the drip rate-in drops per minute-that the patient
needs to be given. (4 pts.)
62.5 drops/min
14. Ray Bradbury chose Fahrenheit 451 as the title of his novel
about book burning in the future because that’s the tempera-
ture at which paper ignites. What would his title been in
degrees Celsius and in Kelvin? (2 pts.)


15. An irregularly shaped object has a mass of 66.12 grams. When

it is placed in a graduated cylinder containing 12.5 ml of
water, the water level rises to 22.7 ml. Calculate the den-
sity of this object. (3 pts.)

6.48 g/mL

16. Record the volume of water in the graduated cylinder with the
proper number of significant figures. (1 pt.) ____12.8 mL____

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