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Review of related project

This canteen management system is simple and user friendly system. Some
projects related to this system are also implemented on Nepal. Previously used
system are some complex and costly. All over the world, there are implemented
this system based on same principle.

a) “IMS Canteen Management System” is integrated with TOUCH POS

computer so that customer can come in and press their order and give the
print out to the person in the counter. It keeps track of the foods and drinks
sold. This software is a user friendly system and customers can make and get
the order by their own. It integrated with RFID Technology so that it could
be used as a smart technology instead of cash for the customers like student
and employees. Develop by IMS Software Company.

b) “Canteen Management Software” is automated software which enables all

the activities of the canteen and maintains a detailed account of food served
at the canteen. It allows secure and speedy transactions. It helps management
to handle the users by reducing the waiting time for the customers. It
manages each and every aspect of the canteen right from the brunch to

It helps to work seamlessly the dining facility without any hassle.

Additionally Biometric device is linked with this software to generate the
reports of the employees in the Canteen. Develop by Interactive Data
Systems Limited.

c) “Canteen management software”, It is common for Offices, Factories, Call

Centres, Hostels, Schools, Clubs and Hospitals to operate their own
cafeterias for their employees and students. However, managing the cafeteria
menu, attendance and consumption is a challenging process. Manual and
paper based processes are cumbersome and error-prone, leading to
inaccuracies and wastage of time and material. A canteen management
system is essential for keeping track of food consumption. Develop by
Matrix Comsec pvt. Ltd.

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