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Of Love

The stage is filled with blinding white

light. A piercing, high pitched squeal
rings throughout the theatre, quieting
down as the light slowly starts to fade.
We see one body (ACTOR 1) isolated on
the stage, in some sort of formal wear.
They lie still on the ground, arms
crossed on their chest, as a different
actor (ACTOR 2) dressed in all black
enters. ACTOR 2 kneels down next to
ACTOR 1, then reaches down and cups
ACTOR 1’s head in their hands. They
gently lift ACTOR 1’s body up off the
ground. ACTOR 1’s eyes open, and they
look at ACTOR 2 and smile. The two
actors exchange a nod. Then, ACTOR 1
reaches down and takes ACTOR 2’s
hand as the two begin to walk offstage.
However, before they can leave, ACTOR
2 lets go of ACTOR 1’s hand and walks
off, leaving ACTOR 1 alone, looking
afraid. ACTOR 1 looks over their
shoulder and reaches their hand out
towards offstage, ostensibly reaching
out to ACTOR 2, who reappears,
wearing clothing similar to ACTOR 1.
ACTOR 2 walks over and takes ACTOR
1 in their arms, holding onto them
tightly for a few moments before
releasing and promptly walking off once
more. ACTOR 1 looks less sad now.

ACTOR 1 makes their way over to the

center of the stage and lies down, and as
they do, ACTOR 2 walks on in what is
presumably sleepwear and lies down
next to them. The two hold each other in
sleep for a few moments before ACTOR
1 begins to cry. ACTOR 2 sits up and
begins comforting them, rubbing their
back, shushing, e​ ct​. This seems to only
make ACTOR 1 cry more, and so
ACTOR 2 pulls them up and holds them
tightly in a sitting hug and kisses their
forehead. They’re like this for a few
seconds before ACTOR 1 begins to quiet
down a bit, and releases the hug to lie
down. ACTOR 2 strokes their hair a bit
before standing up and walking off as
they begin brushing their teeth.

ACTOR 1 stands up, dries their eyes,

and walks over to meet ACTOR 2, who
has since entered and now stands
dressed in a button-up and cardigan,
also having donned a boston flat cap.
The two hug and ACTOR 2 begins to
sniffle a bit, before pulling back to look
at ACTOR 1 and pinching his cheeks.
The two break the hug and ACTOR 2
places their hand on ACTOR 1’s
shoulder as the two exchange a few
words, before ACTOR 2 exits once

For once, ACTOR 1 is alone. They sit

down and remove a paintbrush from
their suit jacket. They drop it on the
ground, however, and begin crying.
They bend over, pick it up, and turn and
begin to paint on a mimed canvas, albeit
very slowly. They eventually put the
paint brush in their pants pocket.

ACTOR 2 renters in something with

muted colors, but still colors. They
embrace ACTOR 1 very tightly and
begin crying, which leads to ACTOR 1
crying as well. ACTOR 2 stops crying,
pulls out of the hug, and looks at
ACTOR 1. ACTOR 1, still crying,
mouths a few words to ACTOR 2, who
gives a much gentler hug, then turns and
ACTOR 1 turns and crosses to meet
ACTOR 2, who has entered in a doctor’s
lab coat with a clipboard. ACTOR 1
begins crying once more, until ACTOR 2
shows them the clipboard, which stops
his crying, although they still look sad.
ACTOR 2 exits, and as they do so,
ACTOR 1 drops to the ground in a fit of

ACTOR 2 reenters in a more brightly

colored version of what he was wearing
previously and helps ACTOR 1 up off
the ground. The two begin to hold hands
and walk around, smiling all the while.
Eventually, they hug, and ACTOR 2

ACTOR 1 lays down once more, and this

time when ACTOR 2 enters to join them,
they are only wearing jeans. They lay
down side by side, and ACTOR 2 coughs
briefly, before laying down side by side
next to ACTOR 1, who wraps their arms
around them. The two then proceed to
kiss, and ACTOR 1 eventually ends up
straddling ACTOR 2. Quite abruptly,
they get off, and ACTOR 2 gets up and
exits. ACTOR 1 then waves to someone
offstage in the direction ACTOR 2 just
exits and winks at them.

ACTOR 2 re-enters in the same style of

brightly colored shirt as before, though
not necessarily the same shirt. They
wink playfully and whistle off to
wherever they entered from before
turning around to face ACTOR 1, who is
smiling brightly. The two hug and kiss
and enjoy each other's company for a
moment before ACTOR 2 pulls back and
breathes a sigh of relief. ACTOR 1 nods,
and ACTOR 2 looks inquisitively at
them. The two smile before ACTOR 2

ACTOR 1 turns and once more begins

painting, this time confidently. ACTOR 2
re-enters in more formal wear, although
not quite as formal as the previous
formal wear. He takes a large sum of
dollars out of his pocket and hands them
to ACTOR 1, who shakes his hand.
ACTOR 1 gets a big smile on their face,
and ACTOR 2 says something to them.
ACTOR 2 pats ACTOR 1 on the back as
they begin painting once more, before
ACTOR 2 takes a few steps back, looks
at the painting, then leaves.

ACTOR 1 continues painting, until

ACTOR 2 re-enters nude. They walk
over and pose for ACTOR 1, who looks
up from their painting, and then
resumes. ACTOR 2 then strikes a
different pose. ACTOR 1 looks at them,
and then continues painting. ACTOR 2

ACTOR 2 walks back on in another

brightly colored shirt, although it looks
worn. ACTOR 1 stops painting and
turns to face them. They hug, kiss, and
tumble to the ground. ACTOR 2 removes
their clothing, and the two lay side by
side for a few moments. They are happy.
ACTOR 2 then climbs atop ACTOR 1,
and the two make love.

ACTOR 2 gets off of ACTOR 1 and

stands - ACTOR 1 poses them, then
returns to their seat and once more
begins painting. ACTOR 2 eventually

ACTOR 1 is painting. They stop and

look at their paintbrush. ACTOR 2
returns in the same clothes, and ACTOR
1 produces a joint from somewhere.
ACTOR 2 holds a light up as ACTOR 1
takes a hit, then passes it to ACTOR 2,
who also takes a hit. ACTOR 2 closes up
the lighter and exits, leaving ACTOR 1
standing alone, sad.

ACTOR 2 enters in a suit, carrying a

piece of paper and a bag. They open up
the bag, ACTOR 1 drops the paintbrush
into the bag. ACTOR 2 seals the bag,
and then holds it behind their back as
they look at the piece of paper. They
mime the sign of the cross. They then
say a few words to ACTOR 1, who
brightens up. ACTOR 2 exits. ACTOR 1
is left alone, looking happy.

ACTOR 2 comes back in the bright shirt

yet again. They walk up to ACTOR 1
and hug them deeply. They produce a
piece of paper, and hand ACTOR 1 a
pen. ACTOR 1 signs the paper with a
big smile on their face. ACTOR 2 exits.

ACTOR 1 begins to cry as ACTOR 2

re-enters in a business suit, also having
donned a mustache. ACTOR 2 slaps
ACTOR 1 across the face. The sound
echoes. ACTOR 2 exits in a huff.

ACTOR 2 re-enters in a dress. They

hand yet another piece of paper and pen
to ACTOR 1, who signs. This time,
rather than happy, they both appear
very curt. ACTOR 2 leaves quickly,
leaving ACTOR 1 looks displeased and

ACTOR 2 re-enters in a brightly colored

tie-dye shirt. They run and jump into
ACTOR 1’s arms, and the two spin
around in a whirlwind of happiness and
laughter. They fall to the floor yet again
and make love. This happens a lot
between them.

ACTOR 2 is the first to get up off the

floor, as they pull ACTOR 1 up with
them. The two share a long kiss, then
break away to just a hug, then finally
holding hands. They turn and once more
go for a stroll, before breaking apart.
ACTOR 1 watches ACTOR 2 as they
walk away beaming, ACTOR 2 turns
and faces ACTOR 1. ACTOR 1 suddenly
looks remarkably sad and looks away,
ACTOR 2 exits.

ACTOR 1 walks coldly to somewhere

else on stage and gets down on one
knee. ACTOR 2 enters in the same dress
as before and giddily runs over to
ACTOR 1, who has since produced a
ring box. They stand up and hug
ACTOR 2 and share a quick peck. Then
it is their turn to fall to the floor and
make love, although it is remarkably
dispassionate. ACTOR 1 gets off of
ACTOR 2 and lays there awkwardly as
ACTOR 2 stands up and exits.

ACTOR 2 returns, this time in a track

uniform. ACTOR 1 seizes their ankle in
pain as ACTOR 2 helps them up off the
ground. However, upon standing,
ACTOR 1 is not in pain. In fact, when
they begin to sprint away with ACTOR
2, they are no longer limping. ACTOR 2
is however faster, and ACTOR 1 is left
behind, alone.

ACTOR 2 appears in their business suit

and mustache once again. They say a
few angry words to ACTOR 1 and mime
running, before handing ACTOR 1 the
paintbrush, albeit rather violently. They
leave with a scowl.

ACTOR 1 turns and begins to paint.

They smile. All is well.

ACTOR 2 r-enters in the sweater vest

and button up combo from previously.
They walk over to ACTOR 1 and pinch
their cheeks give them a big father-ly
hug. They pull back and hold their hand
out. ACTOR 1 gives them the paint
brush. ACTOR 2 walks away as ACTOR
1 starts to cry.

ACTOR 2 enters, yelling at someone

offstage. They turn to face ACTOR 1,
and proceeded to slap them. ACTOR 1
stops crying at this, and in fact gains a
look of wonder on their face. ACTOR 2
exits quickly.

ACTOR 1 looks around confused. They

get down on their hands and knees and
begin to crawl. ACTOR 2 enters, this
time in all white. They walk over to
ACTOR 1, who is crawling around.
They take their hands and lower them
down onto the ground, where they curl
up into a ball. ACTOR 2 exits. There is a
quick pulse of light and noise, before the
stage fades to darkness. Silence for
many, many seconds.

Then, the pulse of light is back. ACTOR

2 appears, still dressed in white. They
help GREG (ACTOR 1) up onto his
knees and step back. The following
number appears in some form
(projection, a third actor holding up
cards, a voice from above, e​ tc​.): 1946/0.
GREG stands up. (From here on out, the
number associated with any given action
will be given beforehand in

The following happens as quickly as

possible with no costume changes

1952/6: ACTOR 2 walks over and slaps

GREG. They begin to cry as ACTOR 2
exits yelling at something off stage.
ACTOR 2 immediately reenters and
gives GREG the paintbrush. GREG
smiles and gives ACTOR 2 a big hug
before ACTOR 2 pinches their cheeks
and walks away.

1958/12: As GREG turns and begins to

paint, ACTOR 2 re-enters and yanks the
paintbrush from GREG’s hand and yells
at him. GREG gets up and begins to run.

1962/16: Still running, GREG is joined

by ACTOR 2, who quickly catches up to
him before bodying GREG. GREG falls
down and cries out in pain as he
clutches his ankle.

1964/18: GREG lets go of his ankle and

is no longer in pain. However, now
ACTOR 2 has laid down next to him,
and GREG awkwardly mounts ACTOR
2. It clearly isn’t passionate. GREG
stands up and pulls ACTOR 2 up with
him. They share a quick peck and hug

1966/20: GREG gets down on one knee.

ACTOR 2 giddily jumps up and down
and runs away. GREG stands up,
clearly not happy.

1967/21: GREG is sulking as ACTOR 2

looks at him from across the stage.
GREG looks up and sees ACTOR 2 and
smiles. They walk over to each other,
begin holding hands, and go on a quick
stroll. They hug, they kiss, they fall to
the floor. They stand up after a
passionate couple of seconds. ACTOR 2
jumps into GREG’s arms, and the two
spin. They are in love. ACTOR 2 walks

1968/22: ACTOR 2 returns with paper

and pen, visibly displeased. GREG takes
the paper and pen, signs, and hands
them back. The two look at each other
before ACTOR 2 walks away. They
immediately turn around and slap
GREG across the face. GREG begins to

1969/23: ACTOR 2 walks back with pen

and paper once more. GREG looks
around where they are standing, smiles,
and signs the paper. This time, the two

1970/24: ACTOR 2 grabs a bag offstage

and yet another piece of paper. They
approach GREG, read from the piece of
paper, and then hand him the
paintbrush. GREG accepts it and looks
at it sadly. ACTOR 2 discards the paper
and produces a lighter and a joint. The
joint is lit, ACTOR 2 takes a hit, ACTOR
1 takes a hit, before ACTOR 2 steps
away. ACTOR 1 looks at the paintbrush,
turns, and starts painting. ACTOR 2
models for them.

The numbers slowly tick from 1971/25

up to 1978/32 as:
GREG gets up from painting and pulls
ACTOR 2 down onto the floor. They
make love, and then lay down side by
side. They stand up, kiss, hug, and
ACTOR 2 goes back to modelling as
GREG returns to painting. ACTOR 2
then leaves.

GREG is painting alone. ACTOR 2
re-enters, taps him on the shoulder, and
points to the painting. GREG smiles and
nods, the two shake, ACTOR 2 gives
GREG a sum of money, and exits, as
GREG resumes painting.

ACTOR 2 walks up to GREG. GREG
stops painting and puts the brush in his
pocket as ACTOR 2 asks him something.
At first he is a bit shocked, but nods his
head. ACTOR 2 kisses him and hugs
before turning and whistling/winking to
someone offstage. GREG turns and does
the same

ACTOR 2 responds to GREG’s whistle,
and the two very quickly go to the floor.
They kiss, hug, and lay side by side.
ACTOR 2 coughs out to the side.

ACTOR 2 gets up and walks away.
GREG stands up and dusts himself off as
ACTOR 2 approaches. They hug, and
begin to walk around while holding
hands. However, GREG doubles over
coughing. ACTOR 2 comforts him for a
moment before going and getting a
clipboard. They return to GREG, who is
now standing, and say something to
GREG. He begins to cry, and ACTOR 2
walks away and ditches the clipboard.
They return and give GREG a gentle
hug. GREG pulls away and looks them
in the eyes. Time slows down.
I’m positive.

A beat. GREG pulls ACTOR 2 back into

a tight hug, and ACTOR 2 begins crying
as well. Back to fast paced. All GREG
can do is hold them.

GREG is alone. He pulls the paintbrush
out of his pants pocket, trying to paint
with shaky hands. He drops the
paintbrush and begins crying. He kneels
down with some effort, and picks it up
before putting it inside his coat pocket.
He walks over to ACTOR 2, whom he
exchanges a few words with before
giving a big hug. ACTOR 2 sniffles a bit,
then pulls back and pinches GREG’s
cheeks. They hug once more before
ACTOR 2 walks away. GREG lies down
and begins to cry as ACTOR 2 returns
with a toothbrush. ACTOR 2 takes the
toothbrush out of his mouth, gets down,
and pulls GREG up to sitting before
kissing his forehead and hugging him
tightly. This only makes him cry more,
so ACTOR 2 lays GREG back down and
begins comforting him more - sushing,
rubbing his back, etc. They lay down
beside GREG and begin holding them.
ACTOR 2 stands up, and pulls GREG
with them. The two hug tightly. For a
moment it is okay. Then, ACTOR 2 turns
and leaves. GREG, all alone, reaches
out to where ACTOR 2 just was and
begins to sob uncontrollably.

ACTOR 2 returns. For the first time in
the last several minutes they’ve changed
costumes. They’re in all black once
more. GREG turns to face them, and
looks less afraid. The two join hands as
ACTOR 2 walks with GREG for a bit.
They stop. The two exchange one final
nod. GREG smiles, and closes his eyes.
ACTOR 2 cups his head and gently lays
him down, crossing GREG’s arms over
his chest. ACTOR 2 leaves and does not
return. The white light begins to grow
once more. The squealing ring returns,
getting louder and louder as the lights
rise up. The noise and light become

Then, silence.

End of play.

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