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I was going to study in person. now i have online classes.

Before, I trained in person. Now I train at home, by means of


I used to go to my girlfriend's house. Now we only talk by text and call.

Before I went out, I went to the Now I have to wear an awkward

store quiet. mask.

Before, I used to go to the movies a Now we watch normal tv.

lot with my mom.

I used to meet with my friends. Now i have no friends.

Before I met more often with my Now see you on video call.

Before I used to run constantly. Now i can't.

Before I traveled to play games. Now I can only see them on TV.

Before I didn't use the computer Now I give it daily use, thanks to
much. online classes.

Before I went out to walk at night to Now I can only go out to the
free. balcony.
Before I used to ride mine every day. Now it only plays uber and taxi, for
greater security.

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