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Name: __________________________ Group member(s):________________________________________________

Making and Using Red Cabbage Indicator

Aim: To extract the coloured substance from the red cabbage and use it to test acids and bases.

Hypothesis: What do you think will happen? (State what you think will happen).

• 2 or 3 large leaves from a fresh • 6 test tubes and a test tube rack • Conditioner
red cabbage • dilute hydrochloric acid (0.5 M) • Antacid tablet
• sharp knife and chopping • dilute sodium hydroxide • Vitamin C
board solution (0.5 M) • Vinegar
• two 250 mL beakers • window cleaner • Baking soda
• hotplate (or burner, tripod, and • Shampoo • Cream of tartar
gauze) • Lemon juice
• stirring rod • Milk

Method (what did you do?):

 Explain step-by-step what you did in YOUR OWN WORDS.

 You can use a diagram to help.

Safety Consideration:
In the table below, list 5 hazards that could occur in the lab and how you will prevent it from happening:

Hazard How will you prevent this?

Example:  Be careful when carrying liquids
Slipping over on liquid  Notify the teacher if there is a spill
 Walk carefully around the lab

Fill in the results table based on your results from the experiment.

SUBSTANCE Colour of Red SUBSTANCE Colour of Red

Cabbage Cabbage Indicator

Hydrochloric acid Vitamin C

Sodium hydroxide Vinegar

Window cleaner Baking soda

Shampoo Cream of tartar

Conditioner Lemon juice

Antacid tablet Milk

Discussion Questions:
1. What colour is your red cabbage extract in a neutral solution (water)? ____________

2. What colour is your red cabbage extract in an acidic solution? ____________________

3. What colour is your red cabbage indicator in a basic solution? ____________________

4. Why do you think the cabbage solution is called an acid-base indicator?




5. Did you have any issues with making and using the indicator? Explain what worked well, what was
difficult, and if this would have affected the results of your experiment.

What worked well: ______________________________________________________________________________________________



What was difficult: ______________________________________________________________________________________________



What affected your results? _________________________________________________________________________________



6. List three changes you would make to the experiment to improve it?

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Briefly state the result of the experiment and then link it back to your hypothesis. DO NOT say “My
hypothesis was correct”.




How to Write A Scientific Practical Report
2. Title (What is it called?)
 Write the Name of your Experiment
3. Aim (What are you trying to find out?)
 State what you are testing OR what are you trying to find out.
4. Hypothesis (What do you think will happen?)
 State what you predict will happen.
5. Equipment/ Materials (What did you use?)
 List everything you used in the experiment in DOT POINT.
6. Method (What did you do?)
 Explain step-by-step what you did in YOUR OWN WORDS.
 You can use a diagram to help.
7. Results (What happened?)
 Display your results in a data table and graph.
 State what the results show BUT don’t explain them.
8. Discussion (Why did it happen?)
 State what happened in the experiment. Was this expected?
 Suggest any reasons why the results occurred.
 State if you would make changes to the experiment and explain how they
would make your results more accurate.
9. Conclusion
 BRIEFLY state the result of the experiment and then link back to your
hypothesis. DO NOT say “My hypothesis was correct”!

Extras- Variables
 Independent- the thing that is changed on purpose
 Dependent- the thing that is measured.
 Controlled- all the things that are kept the same.

2. Introduction
 This is a section where you talk about the science theory. You will be given a
checklist of things that you will need to write about.

 Write in the third person (Don’t use I/ we/ my group).
 Write in the past tense. E.g. “The acid was added”.

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