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-Running Against Cancer - Risk Log Last updated 02.01.2021.

Project Manager: David Salom

Risk Date Close- Out Date

ID WBS Rank Found Assigned Description Strategy Status
mm. dd.

1 Rain during 2 11.15.2020. Project Rain might cause the terrain to Since we cannot negate the 11.15.2020. – observing Did not go to 0
marathon Team be slippery, however this possibility of this risk weather There is still
aspect also depends on happening. We can provide 12.15.2020. – observing possibility that
humidity. High possibility of participants with cheap weather there will be rain
happening. Medium impact. plastic waterproof jackets. 01.15.2021. – observing
Advocating on wearing weather
waterproof clothing, hats and 01.30.2021. – making final
not wearing cotton. decisions
2 Shortfalls in 1 11.15.2020. Project There is a low possibility that Ensuring that the necessary 11.20.2020. – market the 02.01.2021. –
budget Manager project might not attract assurances are in place from project calculated enough
enough donors or enough lending sources prior to 12.25.2020. – market the money to cover all
money. Perhaps because the commencement of project project the costs
financial donors do not see this for contribution or additional 01.15.2021. – Finding new
as an efficient way to help funds. potential donors
cancer patients. High impact. 02.01.2021. – making final
3 Insufficient 2 11.15.2020. Project There is a low possibility that Making sure to prevent this 11.20.2020. – market the Did not go to 0
number of Manager project might not get enough from happening by project There is still a
participants attention or attract enough sufficiently marketing the 12.25.2020. – spreading chance that a lower
people because there is not marathon. Also, in the cancer awareness number of people
enough media coverage. High worse-case scenario, last- 01.15.2021. – market the will show up
impact. minute chance to receive project
prizes for participating will be 02.01.2021. – making final
set. decisions
4 City of 4 12.6.2020. Project There might be additional Additional profit could cover 12.06.2020. – awareness 02.01.2021. –
Vienna sets Team costs or taxes set by the state this issue. of the problem and calculated enough
additional for occupying large city area. calculating the potential money to cover all
costs Medium possibility. Low outcome the costs
5 Demonstrati 5 12.25.2020. Project Low possibility of having the Making sure there is security 12.25.2020. – risk became Did not go to 0.
ons and manager streets meant to be for the to prevent any negative known However, there is
protests marathon, taken by protestors. situations from happening. 01.05.2021. – writing a even lower chance
Medium impact. Secondly, state of Vienna letter to city of Vienna of this happening
-Running Against Cancer - Risk Log Last updated 02.01.2021.
Project Manager: David Salom
provides marathon with 01.10.2021. – hiring
additional police units to security
make marathon safer.
6 Issues with 3 01.03.2021. Project Low possibility. Hiring pointsmen that will 01.03.2021. – risk became Did not go to 0
traffic Team Medium impact. make sure outside traffic known
doesn’t disturb the 01.30.2021. – hiring
participants running on the pointsmen

Description of fields:
Risk Id: A unique identifier
WBS: WBS number of the task(s) related to this risk
Rank: How important is this risk relative to others? Prioritize from 1 to 5 with 1 = highest.
Date found: Date risk became known. mm/dd/yy
Assigned to: Person who is assigned to manage this risk
Description: High level description of risk event, impact and probability
Strategy: What will be done to reduce the probability, impact, or both?
Status: On-going log of changes to risk, in order from most recent to oldest. Format: mm/dd/yy – action/update
Close-Out date: When did the risk probability go to zero? Describe in the final status.

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