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Classroom Rules/Consequence

✓ Rule#1

Any type of disrespect will not be tolerated at all. (Name-calling, insulting, inappropriate

language, any attack based on sex, gender identity, sexuality, race, ethincy, height,

weight, etc.)

⦿ Rationale​: Respect is something my class will founded on. I will not tolerate any

of it. I plan for my classroom and the environment it’s in to be a safe place for

ALL my students and with disrespect that cannot happen.

⦿ Consequence: ​There will be no tolerance for any type of disrespect in my class.

After the first offense, that will be the first and only warning. The student will be

asked to apologize to whoever they insulted or whatever it is that they did that

caused disrespect. In the event the behavior continues after the first time, they'll

be asked to wait after class to have a discussion with me on why they are

behaving in that way and why they feel like disrespect is something that can

happen in my class.

✓ Rule #2

Personal cellphones are not to be used during any instruction time or whenever someone

is speaking in class (this includes your peers.) Phones must be on silent/vibrate and

placed in the rectangular taped box in the top right corner of your desk.

⦿ Rationale​: Technology is something that very heavily influenced our life and I

understand that most if not all of my students will have a cellphone. Using them

when someone is talking or if I am teaching is kind of rude and I think putting

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their phone on top of their desk where I’ll be able to see if they use it when

they’re not supposed to.

⦿ Consequence: ​Students will be asked (the first time) to please put their phone

back into their rectangular taped box. If they continue, then I will simply put it in

“Phone Jail” which will be a decorated box dedicated to holding a students phone

until the end of their class period with me. If the reason for their texting is

because of an actual emergency then I will not take their phone and simply just

ask them to put it back into the taped box.

✓ Rule #3

Remember we are a team and our classroom is made to be a healthy environment. We

cannot all succeed if someone is behaving in ways that hurt others or themselves. This

includes coming in with a positive attitude.

⦿ Rationale: ​I want my students to be stress-free when they are in my classroom.

That means that anything negative like drama should be left at the door. I, of

course, will be there for them if they need to talk about anything but if there are

issues between students, then we will find the time to resolve them without

interrupting any instruction time.

⦿ Consequence: ​There’s no real consequences for this because if my student is

having a rough day then I want to help to fix that but I would hope they wouldn’t

come into my class causing distress to others just because they are not feeling

great. In the event, that happens then I’ll have them wait after class and we will

have a small meeting.

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