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BBC Three Online ‘Make me think’

Mental Struggle
Finlay Bell

Outline of Production:
The production goes inside the head of a person with adhd and shows the internal struggles a
person with adhd goes through. We see how the persons mind struggles to focus with it trying
to ignore distractions and random thoughts that keep appearing. The mind keeps building
literal barriers to block out the thoughts in order to keep the person focused.

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Beginning: We start by seeing the main character sitting in a class while we slowly get closer
and closer to the characters head. We eventually enter the character’s mind
Middle: While in the character’s mind see that random thoughts and distractions keep
appearing to try and break the characters focus. But the mind keeps trying to block out these
distractions by creating warnings and barriers.
End: The Mind wins over the distractions and keeps the character focused

The production targets the chosen audience by: (according to research and focus groups).
 Show the struggle that people with adhd have to go through on a daily basis.
 Show that not all problems are visible.

THC Vibe Productions

BBC Three Online ‘Make me think’

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Items Date
Research 12/11/20
Planning 15/11/20
Production 23/11/20
Post Production 27/11/20

THC Vibe Productions

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