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BBC Three Online ‘Make me think’

Jack Waters

Outline of Production: I will create a stop motion film on British youths self diagnosing a
mental health issue for attention and clout.

(Stop Motion: Add materials here once you know)

Order: The start of the stop motion film will begin with the main person explaining how they
suffer from a mental health issue and how their illness was diagnosed by a professional.
Later on he goes into school to find one of the popular people claiming they have a the likes
of depression because they have had a bad day. The main person eventually has enough of
this and confronts them saying how they use this to gather attention and popularity.

The production targets the chosen audience by: (according to research and focus groups)

NB: Add images to your brief so it looks professions – make this creative – do NOT just write
on it.

Add your deadlines

Items Date
Stop motion 27th November
Short film 17th December

THC Vibe Productions

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