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FRANCISCO MOLINA (Trabajo de metodología flexible de

SÁNCHEZ aprendizaje virtual)


Damaris Meza Sesión 7 27 10 2020


1. Para afianzar tus conocimientos sobre los Phrasal Verbs,

realiza la actividad 1 y 2 de la página 48.

1. Look at the pictures and the quotes. Discuss in pairs.

 What do you know about these people?
I know that they were extremely important people and that they were
very kindDo
 you think they were good citizens?
If they were good citizens
 What do you think the quotes mean?
I think it means as a phrase that highlights and represents them.

2. Study the poster and match the verbs with the gaps. Then
complete the poster with two more ideas.

How to be a good citizen

1. Do some volunteer work in your community.
2. Read/learn/respect the rules and laws.
3. Be a good neighbour.
4. Protect the environment.
5. Be sympathetic to other people’s problems.
6. Read/learn/protect about the world around you.
7. Follow/learn about and respect other people’s beliefs
and cultures.
8. Respect other people’s property.
2. Lee la explicación del tema en la página 48 “useful language” y
escríbela en tu cuaderno.

3. Lee los ensayos “how to be a good citizen”, que se encuentra

en la página 49, identifica los Phrasal Verbs y haz una lista en
tu cuaderno.

 Look after
 Be enjoyable
 Picking up
 Learn about
 Live in
 Listening to
 Makes us

4. Realiza el ejercicio 5 que se encuentra en la página 49.

5. Read the essays again and answer the questions.

a. Which three things does James suggest you can do to look

after your environment?

 Picking up rubbish in the park can be fun if you do it with your friends.
 Cleaning graffiti off walls is also something you can do with your
 Another thing you can do to protect the environment is to recycle your
drink cans and your plastic bottles.

b. What does James tell us to do when we see our neighbours?

 Always be nice and smile at your neighbours when you see them.

c. How can we help elderly neighbours?

 If you have elderly neighbours you can offer to help them out with
their household chores.
d. Why does Haley say we need to read the newspaper?

 Because that can help us learn about the world.

e. How can we help people who are affected by earthquakes?

 We can raise money for them. You can do this by making and selling
cakes or biscuits or even selling some of your own possessions which
you no longer need.

f. Why does she say it is important to be a good citizen?

 Good citizens make the world a better place and being a good citizen
makes us feel better about ourselves.

5. Realiza los ejercicios 7, 8 y 9 que se encuentran en la página


7. Find the verbs in the text and match them with the correct
▪▪ pick ▪▪ clean ▪▪ learn ▪▪ throw ▪▪ help ▪▪ look
▪▪ out ▪▪ up ▪▪ after ▪▪ off ▪▪ about ▪▪ away

 Picking up
 Them away
 Them out
 Learn about
 To help
 Look after

8. Complete the sentences with the correct verb phrases from

exercise 7.
a. Don’t throw your old clothes. Give them to a charity shop.
b. I’ve spilled orange juice on my shirt. How can I clean it after?
c. I look after my younger sister when my parents go out.
d. We often help my dad clean in the garden.
e. We’re up the Russian Revolution in our History lessons.
f. I can’t see the floor in your bedroom. Please pick your clothes.

9. Look back at the essays on page 49. Who says the following,
James or Haley?
a. We need to be good neighbours. JAMES
b. You need to look after your environment. JAMES
c. We need to learn about other people’s religions. HALEY
d. We need to be aware of the problems people
face in other countries. HALEY
e. We need to help people who are affected
by earthquakes. HALEY


1. Para reforzar y ampliar tus conocimientos sobre la voz pasiva, lee

el texto que se encuentra en la página 53, subraya las oraciones en
voz pasiva y haz una lista en tu cuaderno.

 There is a small school in my town, but I don’t go there.

 Her family have not heard from her since last Wednesday afternoon,
and are very frightened for her safety.
 It is estimated that at least nine journalists are abducted every year.
 Then my brother is looked after by my sister while I go to work.
 She isn’t given any help by my mother or father as they have to look
after the animals.
 Now I have nowhere to go.
 Sometimes we are shouted at by passers-by, but some people are
kind and bring us clothes and blankets.

2. Realiza los ejercicios 9 y 11 que se encuentran en la página 54.

9. Look back at the texts on page 53 and complete the sentences

with the correct form of be.
a. Nine journalists are abducted every year.
b. Many aren’t found.
c. My brother is looked after by my sister.
d. She isn’t given any help by my mother or father.
e. We are shouted at by passers-by.

11. Look at the completed sentences in exercise 9.

a. When do we use:

a. is / isn’t?
 is = is and is, but it is only for he, she, and it (he and she). It has
nothing to do with the concept of you. are = you are / we are / are
and you are / we are / are
 "not" is the way to negate with the verb "to be" (to be) in the present
and in the third person, that is, "he, she or" it ". I repeat: the
contraction doesn't (is not) It is used to deny with the verb "to be" in
the third person: he, she or it. More examples: -Itn't true.

b. are / aren’t?
 "Are" is for you (you, you, you, and you), for we (us), and for they
(they and they)
 So we can say that the Isn't is used when we speak of "She or He",
then the Aren't we use it when in the sentence we speak of "you, they,
we". The verb "Is and Are" means to be or to be, so "Isn't and aren't"
is the negation of these verbs so it is translated as I'm not or I'm not.
3. Realiza el ejercicio 12 que se encuentra en la página 55.


SCHOOLSAFER” en la página 62, identifica las oraciones que están
en voz pasiva y haz una lista en tu cuaderno.

 A local school received 80 letters of complaint from parents and

students, after cameras were installed in their school toilets last week.
 Parents and students were not consulted about the cameras before
they were installed.
 The parents say that their children have a right to privacy and want
the cameras to be taken out.
 They argue that there has been no evidence to prove that the cameras
will reduce bullying or vandalism.

6. Realiza el ejercicio 12 en la página 62.

12. Read the newspaper articles quickly and answer the questions.

1. Who is the conflict between?

A. Teachers and children
B. Parents and teachers
C. Parents and the local council

2. What is the conflict about?

A. the right to be safe versus the right to privacy
B. the right to freedom of speech versus the right to be safe
C. the right to complain versus the right to protect school property.
3. Which article …

A. is in favour of the cameras?


B. is against the cameras?


C. expresses both sides of the story?


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