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Green Cards for VRA Conclusion Paragraph

Card 1: Summary In the space below, make notes about the summary of the evidence and the
discussion about whether the overall message is unsuccessful or successful and
of Evidence and the explanation how and why. (no sources)

In addition, The Jimmy Kimmel Performance by Lynzy Lab presents what sexism is and how women
experience this more than men. Lyzny provided real life examples of things women face during their
daily life, she presented a clear message that women face more assault than men, and it needs to be
changed. The artist encourages females to get out and vote, empowering feminism and explaining the
challenges women face.
Write notes here.
Card 2: Summary In the space below, make notes about the summary of the unintended
consequences (sexism in the 40s or 60s) or the intended consequences (fighting
of Unintended or sexism now), whichever applies to your primary source.

Sexism is full of unintended consequences; females face many inequalities in today’s world. Female
inequalities include the difference in pay, sexual assault, and racism. Females have been struggling
with overall empowerment for ages, sexism needs to be recognized to keep women safe. Change is
needed for women to come forward and feel safe about their harassment. Sexism is something
women will forever be involved with, unless they stand together and make a change.

Write notes here.

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