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Oleh :
Sapitri, ST., MT
Practice Test 1
Listen! I think someone (knock) at the back door. → is knocking
It usual (rain) in the rainy season. → rains

Write down the correct Tenses from the Verb in the bracket
Mrs Rahayu (travel) to Europe next week. → will travel
1. Those students (study) English for 2 months. → have studied/ have been studying (present perfect/ present perfect continue)
2. At present, Hendro (write) a novel. → is writing
3. Our team (win) the game last week. → won
4. By Friday, my friend (finish) his homework. → will have finished (future perfect)
5. They (come) at 2 o’clock tomorrow. → will come
6. My sister (play) Tennis every week. → plays
7. Toto (check) the test paper when the telephone rang. → was checking (past continue)
8. When we arrived, everyone (leave). → had left/ was leaving (past perfect/past continue)
9. They (send) me a letter when they arrive in Solo. → will send
10. I (meet) my wife in 1998. → met
11. Surya and Lita (work) at 2 o’clock tomorrow. → will be working (future continue)
12. I am getting tired because I (drive) the car for 4 hours. have driven/ have been driving (present
perfect/ present perfec continue)
Affirmative Patterns
1. Kebiasaan (habits) = S + V1
2. Sedang (in process) = S + be (are,am,is) + V1 + ing
3. Hendak/ mau = S + be + going to + V1
4. Ingin = S + Would like to + V1
5. Akan = S + Will + V1
6. Lampau (past) = S + V2 + just now/yesterday
7. Sudah = S + has/have + V3
8. Sudah sedang = S + has/have + been + V1 + ing + for/since
9. Bisa = S + Can + V1
10. Harus = S + must + V1

Practice Test 2 :
1. Hafal formula di atas
2. Buat contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan kata-kata dari vocabulary
teknik sipil yang telah dipelajari dari materi sebelumnya atau dari
vocabulary di bawah ini.
Istilah teknik sipil dalam bahasa inggris :
Beam = balok Reinforced concrete column = kolom
Member = batang beton bertulang
Stress = tekanan/tegangan Prestress = pratekan/Prategang
Load = beban Precast = pra cetak
Live load = beban hidup Building frame = rangka bangunan
Dead load = beban mati Conventional reinforeced = tulangan
Distributed load = beban merata konvensional
Pins = sendi Loading test = tes pembebanan
Roller = roll Lateral force = gaya lateral
Fixed = jepit Lateral displacement = perpindahan
Deflection = lendutan lateral
Simple beam = balok sederhana Dinamic response analysis = analisis
Cantilever beam = balok menerus reaksi dinamik
Reinforced concrete = beton Structural concrete construction
= konstruksi strktur beton
Istilah teknik sipil dalam bahasa inggris :

Conventionally reinforced = tulangan Gravity load = beban gravitasi

Rubble stone = batu pecah
Prestressed concrete = beton prategang
Mortar = mortar
Gravitavitational force = gaya gravitasi
Footing = fondasi
Seismic loading = beban gempa
Tensile strength = kuat tarik
Vertical force = gaya vertikal
Lateral force = gaya lateral Collaps = runtuh
High tensile steel = baja kuat tarik tinggi Crack = retak
Number of stories = jumlah lantai Lumber = kayu
Construction = konstruksi Moisture = kelembaban
Ground floor building = bangunan lantai Insulation = sekat
Post = tiang
Flat roof = plat atap
Epoxy = epoksi
Timber frame = rangka kayu

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