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How Can Youth Tackle Major

Public Health Issues Around the

LT4 Living Discipline Photo Essay: Science

CDPD 500

Dayton Jackson
Everyday we are bombarded with news of a new virus or epidemic facing
the world.
These issues are close to home
And in far-away nations.
These are issues that only highly educated researchers and doctors can solve…Right?
False, these are issues that can be tackled in schools with children as early as grade 2!
Through scientific inquiry children can gain skills and foundational knowledge for
how to prevent/ tackle these diseases.
Specific science programs like “Do Bugs Need Drugs?” educate youth as young as 5 years old
about the importance/ benefit of…
Washing your hands, and the introduction to the concepts of illness/
disease which are valuable skills to have in the fight against germs.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious worldwide health issue. Science education
gives youth spaces for inquiry into this issue so they can find possible solutions or
preventative measures.

Pfizers “Superbugs: Join the Fight!” programme

There is also a unique opportunity for students at the elementary age envision themselves in
positions where they can help those facing these issues in their careers.
Children engaging in
scientific education
programs yields
valuable results in the
fight against worldwide
public health issues.
For youth to have a meaningful impact on public health issues, adults need to partner with them and
promote critical thinking around these subjects. This instills confidence in their critical thinking so that one
day they can engage in solo inquiry.
Guided Investigation of the simple aspects of public health issues at a young age allows for more complex aspects to
be understood much easier. This increases the possibility of youth creating real solutions to these issues.
These public health issues effect everyone worldwide, so scientific investigation into these
issues creates a sense of community between youth of all cultures.
Education in Alberta encourages us to use science to solve problems that will improve the quality of our lives
and the lives of others. Students couldn’t have better instructions to tackle public health issues.
1. A) Photographer: Dayton Jackson. Retrieved from
// B)Photographer: Dayton Jackson. Retrieved from // C) Photographer: Dayton
Jackson. Retrieved from // D)
Photographer: Dayton Jackson. Retrieved from
2. Photographer: Morrowind/ Shutterstock. Retrieved from
3. Photographer: Jon Warren. Retrieved from
4. Photographer: Skynesher/ Getty Images. Retrieved from
5. A & B Photographer: River Mead School. Retrieved from
6. Photographer: Dayton Jackson. Retrieved from
7. Photographer: Dayton Jackson. Retrieved from
8. A) Photographer: Dr. Paul Martiquet. Retrieved from // B) Photographer: iStockphoto.
Retrieved from
9. A) Photographer: Madeline Bishop. Retrieved from // B) Photographer:
Dayton Jackson. Retrieved from
10. Photographer: Dayton Jackson. Retrieved from
11. Photographer: Dayton Jackson. Retrieved from
12. Photographer: iStockPhoto. Retrieved from
13. Photographer: Google Science Fair. Retrieved from
14. Photographer: Shutterstock. Retrieved from

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