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Assignment #3

Assignment topic: Discrimination in the

workplace (Case study)
Subject: Business ethics
Submitted to: Mam Nida khursheed
Submitted by: Makhzan saleem
Class Code: Cu-685-2016
Semester: 6th
Date: 10th July ,2020
CECOS University of IT and Emerging Sciences

1) Should Marian quit?

Marian shouldn't quit just because of her co-workers. I know the fact that she is
hurt but she should not give too much credence to other people's opinions. It's not
worth it.It is hard to say this course when you know that people are talking behind
her back. People like her co-workers tend to enjoy saying things that hurt others.
It's hard to ignore it but she simply have to and just do the right thing.

There's a saying that you can't please everyone. If she quits, then she end up
becoming a slave to what her co-workers because their opinion are more important
than to her own life. What's important is that she is enjoys her work .

2) Are her co-workers correct in their evaluation?

According to the case study, Marian feels isolated because there are no other black
women managers and few women in her area. Maybe her co-workers
misunderstood her because she having a hard time adjusting to her workplace since
there are only few women in her area.

The co-workers are not correct in their evaluation. If she was not qualified to get
the job, then she would had not been hired in the first place.

3) Should Marian confront the co-workers?

Confronting the co-workers could be a good thing for her. She can calmly ask them
why they think she isn't qualified and tell them why she is qualified.

But she could avoid it all together to avoid any drama among her co-workers.

The best option will be to probably confront the co-workers and solve the problem

4) Should Marian file a discrimination suit?

She probably shouldn't file a discrimination suit when she can solve the problem by
possibly confronting them. however her salary is not being discriminated so she
should nt be worry and suit a discrimination file at this time but next time she
should file a discrimination file but if she does her supervisor will get personal with
her so she should co-operate with her supervisor .
5)Should Marian go to the supervisor?

She probably should go to the supervisor just to see what they would have to say
about the situation.

Marian should not quit the job but talk to the supervisor. For the case, it is
examined that the supervisor did not have any major problem with Marian and
always gave her positive reviews about her work.

6)How does affirmative action works in an organization?

As a head of this company affirmative action will work in a such way that the
minorities rights opportunity for them it works in a way that someone who does
good should be rewarded in front of their employees and punish those who does
wrong the rules and regulation set by the organization same situation with the
black female the one who does not support her will be punished due to
discrimination and minority rights will be protected so that people retain in an

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