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Alya Rizqi

Session 12: Assignment

A. Pair Work
1. Air pollution is threatening of people in urban areas. [by]
Answer: People in urban areas were being threatened by the air pollution.
2. Live stock farms have contaminated soil and underground water. [because of]
Answer: Soil and underground water were contaminated because of the
live stock farms.
3. Acid rain has eroded statues and buildings. [as a result of]
Answer: Statues and buildings has been eroded as a result of acid rain.
4. Oil spills are harming birds, fish, and other marine life. [through]
Answer: Birds, fish, and other marine life were being harmed through oil
5. The growth of suburbs has eaten up huge amounts of farmland. [due to]
Answer: Huge amounts of farmland has been eaten due to the growth of
6. The destruction of rain forests is accelerating the extinction of plants and
wildlife. [by]
Answer: The extinction of plants and wildlife was being accelerated by the
destruction of rain forests.

A. Find one or more solutions for each problem. Then compare with a
1. One way to reduce famine is to train people in modern farming methods.
2. The best way to fight cancer is to educate people on healthy lifestyle choices.
3. One way to stop political unrest is to provide ways for people to voice their
4. One way to improve air quality is to develop cleaner public transportation.
5. The best way to reduce poverty is to start free vocational training programs,
another way is to create more jobs for the unemployed.
6. One way to help the homeless is to have more police on the streets, the other
way is to build more public housing.

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