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The frozen Nasi Dagang start by getting raw ingredients.

They buy fresh fish comes by boat and

delivered directly to factory. The fish are not kept overnight in ice or freezer. Then, they prepare
the fresh ingredient. The fish is wash using clean water. They used sprinkle of mixture of coarse
salt and asam keeping on the fish before steamed. For rice, they mix 1kg of rice and 3kg of
glutinous rice. Then, the rice is soaked for 6 hours to get the requires structure. Next, cooking
process where the fish is steam at 130 °C for 30 minutes by using combi oven. After that, they
cook the Aya fish gravy. The gravy has to be simmered for 5 hours to ensure the gravy is cooked
properly before coconut milk is added. The gravy is cooled to room temperature and poured to
the fish to be seeped into the fish before separating it back. Additionally, they steam 6 rounds of
rice in order to get the perfect rice using the Combi oven and then sprinkle the sugar onto the
rice. After rise is cooked, the rise is cooled to a temperature below 5°C. The rice is placed in a
blast chiller and cooled to the temperature of 3°C to avoid bacteria growth. Next, the packaging
step where 180g of rice, 110g of fish and 60g of gravy is put in a packaging. The packaged Nasi
Dagang now has to be frozen at temperature of -45°C immediately after packaging and stored for
45 minutes in a cold room. The package is then brought out and inspected by officers for quality
control of the product before kept in the freezer. Storing product under -18°C is important to
extend the shelf life and keep the taste when it is heated and served. Lastly, the distribution and
marketing was done.

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