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How cleaning can prevent

cross contamination
Cleaning helps for visually clean and
stop harmful bacteria from spreading
onto food


• Use color-coded cleaning utensils for
IMPORTANCE OF CLEANING different sections.
 Ensure that all surfaces and • Use brushes to clean food contact
equipment that come into surfaces. If cloths is used, dip the cloth
contact with food are not in sanitized water between uses.
contaminated with food • The efficiency of cleaning must be
poisoning bacteria. inspected on a regular basis and the
 Preventing pests. cleaning policies should outline the
procedures to be followed, for instance
 Creating a pleasant working high-risk areas should always be cleaned
environment. first.
 Reducing the risk of cross • Ensure that employees wash and
contamination from both disinfect all equipment and surfaces
bacteria and allergens thoroughly between tasks.
 Reduce the risk of slipping • Employees should always change
and tripping accidents. clothes when moving from one
workstation to another. This is crucial
while working with high-risk foods or
• Ensure that everyone who handles food
cleans their hands thoroughly before
starting work, and, before/after touching
any food.

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