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Technology with Lessons

David Westlake

Arizona State University


Technology Integration within Lessons

Does the technology minimize complexity?

Technology gives them the opportunity to engage in fun ways to retain

information, because the projects made provide them "hands-on ways" to access and

build prior knowledge. Kirstin Sobatka explains how the use of technology helps

students by "manipulating and learning about websites that are systems that can be

applied in future classes" or careers. When creating products, they open up those higher

levels of critical thinking.

Does the technology maximize individual power and potential?

The teacher is using technology by having it be a part in every single part of the

lesson (before, during and after). The students spend most of the class time creating

and collaborating on their projects to support their thesis. She's not teaching the

technology, but rather it's helping facilitate the lesson as a guiding tool.

Does the technology reimagine learning?

It expands traditional ways of teaching by not taking the teacher's freedom of

creating learning objectives based on the standards. Technology of recording and

finding resources improves verbal, reading and listening skills. It takes students where

they've never been, because they may not make or have the time to increase their

awareness of what the 21st century has to offer, but they become excited about their

learning in class.

Does the technology preserve or enhance human connection?

The poll used in the beginning helps students see the point of view of their peers

and enhances human connection by building teamwork skills. Each student takes on a

role that puts a spotlight on their strengths.

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