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A life wilting away

Is putting one on the brink of death going to be the answer to the crowded jails that are
brimming with criminals? Are we still worthy of being called “Christians” if we are defying against
the Ten Commandments? Is taking the right of every Filipinos going to put the anarchy and rage to a
This controversial topic will steal the attention of many citizens and voices will be raised. Our country
will be nothing but a breeding ground of havoc and chaos.

On the 22 nd of July, President Rodrigo Duterte declared his 4 th State of the Nation
Address to the congress and citizens, he announced the laws he wants to surpass with reference to
the reinstatement of Death Penalty. Implementing this law would be a crucial threat to the country,
the religious beliefs we stand by and the lives of many.

The legalization of Death Penalty would be inhumane and unjustly to not only the
suspect but also on behalf of the country. It is stated in the Human Rights Victims Reparation and
Recognition Act of 2013 or Republic Act No. 10368 that every Filipino has the right to life, this is a
moral principle dedicated to every one of us to indicate that no other entity has the power to kill us
including the government.

Siding with the implementation of this law would be abandoning our own religious
beliefs because the Ten Commandments tell us that “Thou shalt not kill”. Call it what you want,
execution or capital punishment, either way, you are still taking matters into your own hands and
destroying the work of God which if you bring yourself into realization, is just one of us. In relation to
the statement made before, Pope Francis told his truth by sharing the message that “every life is
sacred” which steered his intuition into abolishing Death Penalty at the international level.

With the commitment of a heinous crime along with it should come a punishment and
everyone deserves the feeling of liberty but we should keep in mind that justice should be served to
both the victim and suspect, but executing someone won’t deter the commitment of crimes.
Everyone should be given a second chance to mold their wrongs into rights, to turn their life the
other way around, and to return in the arms of God.

The government officials should think about the future side effects of this
implementation. Kneeling down for the destruction of life won’t erase the truth that only God can
take our life away. Just because you washed the blood away, doesn’t mean it’s gone.

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