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Ethics Activity 1

Directions: Read the situations below and answer the following moral dilemmas. Write your answer on
the provided sheet following the style and format.

Scenario 1:

You studied hard for the final exams in one of your major subjects. During the exam, your classmate
seated beside you wanted you to show him/her your answer sheet. The week before, this same
classmate, let you borrow his/her notes when you were absent in one of the lectures and besides,
he/she was really cute. What will you do?

Scenario 2:

You are going to be late again for your first class. Your teacher warned you that if you will be late again,
he/she would be forced to give you a violation slip which means that you will lose your chance for
scholarship for the semester. On the way to school, you saw an old lady tripped and fell face-down on
the sidewalk and all the contents of her grocery bag rolled everywhere. You were the only person
around to help her. You checked the time and realize that to help her means that you will be late for
class! What will you do?

Scenario 3:

While window-shopping in one of the malls in Makati, you saw your best friend’s boyfriend with another
classmate holding hands and being “cuddly” to each other. As you passed by, they saw you too and
approached you. They told you that they had been together for more than a month and that the
boyfriend will break-up with your best friend soon. They made you promise not to say anything to your
best friend a little longer. You agree and gave your word because you believed that he should be man
enough to tell your best friend himself. The next few days, you always see your best friend with this
boyfriend holding hands and “cuddly” to each other. The guy looked at you as if nothing happened and
this seemed also fine with your other classmate. He was showing no indication that he would break-up
with your best friend any time soon. What will you do?

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