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Import Apple APPLE?!

Apples are among the

world’s most popular

Manipulation fruits,grow on the

apple tree (Malus
domestica), originally
Hello, boss! Why did I received from Central Asia
such a bad quality and damaged Apples are a member
apples?... I thought that you of the rose family of
were the best import fruit plants, which also
Have you ever heard includes pears,
supplier because you receive this saying?
such a good rating ony our peaches, cherries, and
websites.The fruits were also "One bad apple plums.
overriped and many of it can't
be eaten anymore!! spoils the bunch"

Apples ripen up to 10 times faster at room

temperature than if they are refrigerated.
Maybe because of this they choose apple
instead of other fruit for that saying

What cause the apple to ripe? OMG!.. Many of my customers

complaint about the bad
It is because of the hormone ETHYLENE quality...What should I do to prevent
It does so by increasing the activity of all of this??!!!
enzyme that softens fruit
Ethylene moves freely through a plant by
diffusion and through the air because it is a gas
Ethylene is released at the site of a plant wound
due to physical damage of infection which is why
one rotten apple spoils the whole bushel

Presentive measure should be Make sure the cold room is in suitable

temperature for the apple
taken by the supplier to avoid low control the temperature and humidity within the storage
quality, damaged and overripe system to preserve the fruit in fresh and wholesome state
for a longer period
apples Maintaning adequately low temperature is crucial to
avoid chilling injury to the apple
Have Great Technology
Heavy duty Importing Package.
Equipped the cold room with high technology machines to prevent
overripening of apples. Use pallet instead of cardboard box during shipping and
Install The MIATECH Bio Turbo technology in the cold room. fruit handling.
It remove ethylene gas and airborne pathogen killing system. Pallet box are strong enough to avoid dent and
It eliminates ethylene gas successfully preventing premature ripening and destruction if it fall hardly on the ground as it is made
decay AND removes 99.9% of bacteria and airborne pathogens harmful to from wood
the fruits. Pallet box allow great air flow to maintain the freshness
MIATECH Bio Turbo also give a better appearance and lomger freshness of the apple along the shipping process


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