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Role of Collaboration (for all my sections on the Portfolio)

Collaboration is an essential tool to use because it builds a strong

collaboration with others and good relationships. In my opinion, I prefer

to use the role of collaboration that why I use it in this TP, which is

micro-teaching also in the last semesters I had. Moreover, I apply the

collaboration in each section in my Portfolio. First of all, For the

introduction section, I use collaboration by collaborating with my close

friends and asking them about myself and what you think about me and

my goals. Based on their opinion, I wrote my introduction because the

friends who know us very carefully., for example, for the task

sections. I use the collaboration in many ways, such as at the beginning

of the micro-teaching I have first. I depend on creating a Whatsapp groud

to discuss together. Second, on my tasks, I provide my lessons plans.

Hence, what I discussed with my colleagues about my lesson is how it

works well and so on, helping me a lot in improving my self and what I

.need to change it

Moreover, before the observation time, we have a zoom meeting together

to discuss the advantages and what we need to add it. However, for my

students' reflections, I help her improve from her review by adding more

points about her achievement and improving her teaching. In my view, I

see that each one have to use collaboration to make her life more
comfortable. For the second section, which is a Resume I use

collaboration by asking my friends what should be included on the C.V

pages and it should be one page or not, so that helps me make it

professional paper. For the third part which is it teaching philosophy,

I used collaboration from my teacher and friends about the teaching

strategies they thought is work best for me because most of the teaching

practice we have a peer observation. They observe me and know the

effective strategy I used. Also, I discuss applying differentiation activity

with my friend to find the best way to use differentiation activity and

what I apply during my micro-teaching. Also, writing philosophy help a

lot to improve from our self and make plans. For the fourth section,

which is the best practice examples. I used collaboration by

collaborates with my friends about the content. Then adding my best

lesson plans that I already have a collaboration time with my colleagues

about it during teaching practice. Also, for the resources I used, I

collaborate with my colleagues and give me their ideas about the

effective programs I can use in my lesson, which works very well. For the

fifth section, which is reports and observation, I used collaboration

by chatting with my MCT by using Whatsapp and Email to have

feedback and what I should improve. That helps me because my MCT

was helpful and give me positive feedback on my lesson that encouraged

me to keep forward. Moreover, I used collaboration with the observations

and colleagues feedback by making zoom meeting at the end of the week

to have oral and written feedback and what we need to improve for the

.next time

For the sixth section which is the commitment to professional

development, I used collaboration by making a relationship with my

colleagues on the zoom meeting to ask them a question and take their

opinions about my goals that I will apply during the micro-teaching. For

example, planning for learning and managing to learn, so I collaborate

with them. They give me ideas about the programs for managing students

such as the Teacher Assist and ClassDojo program. However, I took their

suggestions on the mind and used this program to control the behave

students and see that work well with me, and the students engage in my

activities without screaming because I encourage them to have points on

the program. In addition, while I was using this strategy, I have a chat

with my MCT and ask her what she thinks about my strategy that I have

used, so she was proud of me and give me effective program also I can

add it in my micro-teaching such as Points program. That is why I believe

in using collaboration in our lives to improve ourselves and build strong

.relationships with others and be on track

For the seventh section, is the achievement part. I used collaboration for

the IELTS exam by having practised with my teacher and have

collaborated with my teacher who teaches me the IELTS course in the

summer. I chat with her on the Whatsapp program, Email and ask her

questions. Also, she provided me with a lot of practices and conservation

by Email that helped me a lot to improve my self and Pass the course

easily. Moreover, I get it from the Abu Dhabi Pride a lot of the tips for

the rewards because I collaborate with them by Instagram and Snapchat

.every week to attend the sessions

For the eighth section, I used the attendance sheet to collaborate with

my colleagues by telling them we have to create a Whatsapp group to

write the date of our observation and the day of the present and we

created successfully and have evidence. My colleagues were collaborated

with me by making at the end of the week, a zoom meeting to discuss the

dates of presentation time. For the last section, which is Artefacts, I

used the role of collaboration by making a Snapchat group with my

Colleageous to take a screenshot every day of our works that we have

done. Also, collaborate with them, by sending pictures of my work, and

they sent me their lessons pictures, so we collaborate successfully and

.give suggestions on our artefact part

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