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Tyrone English

FLME 2700
Casablanca Scene Analysis
The scene I’ve chosen to write about is the memories of Paris montage. It occurs about
halfway through the film where the main character has recently been made aware that his ex-love
is newly married. The beginning of this scene features Rick Blaine Sitting alone at a table
nursing a bottle of alcohol. This defeated and sullen state of Blaine is a contrast from the witty
character he was in the beginning of the film, this represents a turning point in the movie. At this
point he has once again been conquered by his love for Ilsa, and he is left almost helpless, unable
to do anything but wait for her return. During this time Blaine remains in the center of the frame,
and also the focal point of the lighting in the scene. The director uses the chiaroscuro lighting
technique to illuminate the main characters face. This contrast in the lighting with the characters
face almost divided in half by light and dark perfectly reflects the situation that he is in. The
light side representing the his recent success as a bar owner, his pleasant memories of his
relationship, and the potential of a future with Ilsa. On the contrary, the dark (right) side of
Rick’s face represents and possibly foreshadows the heartbreak that is coming to him.

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