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10 Life with Augustine

Presentation to a Group

To conclude the course participants are encouraged to present a pre-

pared reflection to the group. This is an opportunity for the group to
develop in awareness of the grace that works in the lives of all. Pres-
entations are not meant to be scholarly, their focus could be:
“what experience of Augustine’s speaks about
the work of God in your own life and in the
world around you?”

There are a variety of ways in which prepared reflections could be

done. Below are a few suggestions, you may think of other ideas!

Choose three favourite quotes from The Confessions and

use them as a basis for presentation


Create an art work such as a painting, sculpture or mosaic


Write and present a talk


Write and present a poem or song


Create a collage of quotes from The Confessions and present them to

the group
Program Introduction 11

References to The Confessions and

other works

The Confessions
There are numerous ways which are used to cite The Confes-
sions. Maria Boulding’s translation of The Confessions (the recom-
mended text for this program) presents references in the following
Confessions II, 4 (9)
The Confessions Book 2, Chapter 4 (other translations), Chapter 9
(Boulding’s translation)
The two most important numbers for our purposes are the first (book
reference) and the last (Boulding’s chapter divisions)

Now you try...

Just to check you understand the reference see if you can find Con-
fessions II, 4 (9).
(If you are having trouble go to page 30 in the recommended edition,
the text begins “Beyond, question, theft is punished by your law, O
Lord, and by the law written in human hearts...”)
If you have been unable to acquire the Boulding translation just
ensure that you take notice of the first 2 numbers of the reference (i.e
Confessions II, 4). In most instances this will get you if not to the
right place at least very close (it probably wouldn’t hurt to read an
extra couple of paragraphs anyway).
12 Life with Augustine

References to other set readings (all are

contained in this booklet)

Other reading references will be given by name of Author, book title,

publisher, place of publication, year of publication and page numbers
to be read.
For example: Pellegrino, M.C. Give What You Command. Catholic
Publishing Co. New York. 1970, pp 35-46

Is a book
- by Pellegrino, M.C.
- titled Give What You Command.
- published by the Catholic Publishing Co.
- of New York
- in 1970
-with pages 35 to 46 to be read


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