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Name: Jiselgen L.

Amado Date: Dec 9, 2020

Section: CHEM 100B: Score:

Activityi No. 4
Different Typeee of Cheeiial Relaione Exeeriient

A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical
substances to another. The substances or substance initiallyi involved in a chemical reaction are
called reactants or reagents and the newlyi evolved chemical substance is called the products.
There are manyi tyipes of chemical reactions. Chemists have classifed them into combination
reaction, decomposition reaction, single displacement, double displacement reaction
depending on the chemical changes taking place in the reaction.
 Give examples of chemical reactions and represents a chemical reaction in terms of
chemical equationn
 Classifyi each chemical reactions with experimentn
 Identifyi and explain the action of heat on ferrous sulphate cryistaln
 Determine the reaction between iron nail and copper sulphate reaction in watern
 Explain the reaction between sodium sulphate and barium chloride solutions and
identifyi the tyipes of chemical reactions were formed andn
 Determine and studyi the action of water to quick lime and classifyi what chemical
reactions takes place.

Single Displacement Reactin

Copper sulphate solution stands with clamp
Iron nails a piece of thread
:oiling tubes watch glass
1. Take two stands with clamps and fx one tube in each stand.
2. Pick one of the iron nails from the watch glass, tie it with a piece of thread and hang it in one
of the boiling tubes.
3. Then, tie the other end of the thread to the stand.
4. Take copper sulphate solution in a beaker and pour some of it into both the boiling tubes.
Keep the apparatuses undisturbed for a dayi.
5. Afer one dayi, remove the nail immersed in the solution and place it in the watch glass.
Compare the two iron nails placed in the watch glass.

Cimbinatin Reactin
Quick lime glass rod
Distilled water test tube
:eakers dropper
Spatula lime water
1. Take a small quantityi of quick lime (calcium oxide) using a spatula and transfer it into a
2. Slowlyi add distilled water into the beaker and pour enough of water so that quick lime
remains submerged in the water.
3. Leave the beaker undisturbed for some time
4. Add a few drops of clear solution i.e. lime water into a boiling tube.
5. Close the mouth of the boiling with a cork and insert a glass tube into it. :low the exhaled air
into the lime water through this glass tube.

Decimpisitin Reactin
Ferrous sulphate cryistals :unsen burner
:oiling tubes test tubes holder
1. Take a small quantityi of ferrous sulphate cryistals and transfer it into a dryi boiling tube using
a spatula.
2. Hold the boiling test tube with a test tube holder and note the color of fererous sulphate
cryistal with mayi be light green in color
3. Heat the boiling tube over the fame of a :unsen burner. On heating, the color of the cryistals
changes from light green to white.
4. While heating, smell the fumes coming out of the boiling tube, note the odor.

Diuble Displacement Reactin

:oiling tubes
Solution of barium chloride
Solution of sodium sulphate
1. Take a small quantityi of sodium sulphate solution in a boiling tube
2. Then, take a small quantityi of barium chloride solution in another boiling tube. Pour the
barium chloride solution taken in the boiling tube into the boiling tube containing sodium
sulphate solution.
3. Now keep the content of the boiling tube undisturbed for 10 minutes.
4. Add a few drops ofdilute HCL to the white precipitate of barium sulphate and shake the test
tube well.


Single displacement reactin
Iron nail placed in the watch glass show grayiish color of iron whereas the iron nail dipped in the
copper sulphate solution shows a brown coating. This indicates that copper is deposited on the iron
nail byi displacing iron. The color of the copper sulphate solution in which the iron nail was dipped
changes from blue to green whereas the color of the copper sulphate solution in the other test tube
remains the same.
Cimbinatin Reactin
A quick lime reacts with water and forms a suspension of slacked lime in water. We can see that
a clear solution appears as the suspension of slaked lime setles down. This clear suspension is known
as lime water. To confrm the presence of calcium hyidroxide in lime water add few drops of clear
solution into a boiling tube.
Decimpisitin Reactin
The ferrous sulphate cryistal are light green in color. The gas emited has the characteristics
odor of burning sulphur. On heating, the colour changes from light green to white. On further heating,
the white substances changes to dark brown solid.
Diuble Displacement Reactin
As yiou observe that white precipitate remain insoluble in the dilute HCL. A chemical reactions
occurs between sodium sulphate and barium chloride to form barium sulphate and sodium chloride.
During this reaction, the cations and anions if two diferent compounds switch places, forming two
entirelyi diferent compounds. When sodium sulphate reacts with dilute hyidrochloric acid, sulphur
dioxide gas is evolved. The reaction when hyidrochloric acid reacts with sodium sulphite, it forms
sodium chloride and sulphur dioxide which gives the smell fof burning sulphur.

Single displacement reactin
The change of color from blue to green of solution in which the iron nail was dipped indicates a
chemical change in which copper has been displaced byi iron from the copper sulphate solution and a
new compound was formed. It is single displacement because, in this reaction, the highlyi reactive
metal iron replaces the copper in copper sulphate byi giving up two electrons and gets oxidized and
forms a new compound called ferrous sulphate.

CuSO₄ (aq) + Fe (s) FeSO₄ (aq) + Cu (s)

Copper sulphate iron Ferrous sulphate Displaced copper deposited over nails

Cimbinatin Reactin
This is a combination reaction as the reactantBquick lime and water react to form a single
product, calcium hyidroxide (slaked lime). This reaction is exothermic in nature as it releases thermal
energyi in the process. When exhaled air is blown through lime water which is also known as calcium
hyidroxide, the carbon dioxide present in the exhaled air reacts with the lime water and turns it into a
milkyi solution, since the CO₂ reacts with Ca(OH)₂ and forms CaCOꝫ or Calcium Carbonate, which is
insoluble and white in color.
CaO (s) + H₂O (l) Ca(OH)₂ (aq)
Quick lime water slaked lime (calcium hyidroxide)

Decimpisitin Reactin

Ferrous sulphate cryistal contains water molecules (FeSO₄. 7H₂O). On heating, ferrous sulphate
cryistals lose water and anhyidrous ferrous sulphate (FeSO₄) is formed. So their colour changes from
light green to white. On further heating, anhyidrous ferrous sulphate decomposes to form ferric oxide
(Fe₂Oꝫ), sulphur dioxide (SO₂) and sulphur trioxide (SOꝫ). So, the gas emited smells like burning
sulphur. In this reaction, the single reactant FeSO₄ decomposes to form three diferent products. So,
the reaction is a decomposition reaction.

2FeSO₄ (s) Fe₂Oꝫ (s) + SO₂ (g) + SOꝫ (g)

Anhyidous ferrous Ferric oxide
Sulphate (white)

Diuble Displacement Reactin

A chemical reaction occurs between sodium sulphate and barium chloride to form barium
sulphate and sodium chloride. Double displacement reactions generallyi take place in aqueous
solutions in which the ions precipitate and there is an exchange of ions. On mixing a solution of barium
chloride and sodium sulphate, a white precipitate of barium sulphate is immediatelyi formed. The
double displacement reaction occurs in which sulphate ions are displaced byi chloride ions and chloride
ions are displaced byi sulphate ions.

Na₂SO₄ (aq ) + :aCl₂ (aq) :aSO₄ + 2NaCl (aq)

Sodium sulphate :arium chloride barium sulphate sodium chloride


Cimbinatin Reactin
Single displacement reactin

Diuble displacement reactin

Decimpisitin reactin

VI. Queeione lnd Exeraieee

1. :efore a chemical equation can be writen, what must yiou know?
 :efore a chemical equation can be writen, yiou must know the syimbols and formulas
of all reactants and products.
2. What observations might yiou make that suggest a chemical reaction has occurred?
 You have to observe the properties. If a gas is produced or precipitates are formed
that indicates chemical reaction. Also, if the color changes occur or if solids are
formed. One can also observe is the absorption of heat and see if heat was lost to its
3. How could yiou distinguish between NO2 and NO?
 Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has a brown color and nitrogen monoxide (NO) is colorless.
That phyisical propertyi is a major factor in distinguishing the two. Nitrogen
Monoxide (NO) has a pleasant odor while Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is a reddishB
brown gas and has a pungent toxic odor.
4. Defne metathesis reactions. Give an example.
 Metathesis reactions involve transfer reactions when elements can transfer from
one side of a chemical equation to the other side. It is the exchange between atoms
or groups of atoms between interacting substances.
Example: AgNOꝫ + NaCl = AgCl+NaNOꝫ
This is a metathesis reaction in which chloride transfer occurs.
5. What is a precipitate?
 It is a product of a reaction that’s insoluble and separates from a homogenous
mixture as a solid. It is an insoluble substance that separates from homogenous
chemical reactions as a solid. It is a cause of a substance to be deposited in solid
form from a solution.
6. :alance these equations:

K:rO3(s)K:r(s) + O2(g)
:alanced: 2K:rO3(s)  2K:r(s) + 3O2(g)
K= 2 K=2
:r=2 :r=2
O=6 O=6

Mn:r2(aq) + AgNO3(aq)Mn(NO3)2(aq) + Ag:r(s)

:alanced: Mn:r2 + 2AgNO3(aq)Mn(NO3)2(aq) +2 Ag:r(s)
Mn= 1 Mn=1
:r= 2 :r= 2
Ag= 2 Ag=2
N=2 N=3
O=1 O=1

7. How could yiou distinguish between the gases H2 and H2S?

 Hyidrogen gas (H₂) is a colorless, odorless gas and is also combustible whereas
hyidrogen sulfde (H₂S) is a colorless gas with the smell of roten eggs. It is also
produced byi bacteria. Hyidrogen gas (H₂) does not dissolve but hyidrogen sulphide (H₂S)
dissolves in an acid. Their structures, names, and bonds are also diferent.
8. Using water, how could yiou distinguish between the white solids KCl and PbCl 2?
 When placed in water, the KCl or potassium chloride will dissolve completelyi but
lead chloride (PbCl₂) will not. You could distinguish them byi their solubilityi. KCl is water
soluble in water it has the abilityi in dissolving onlyi takes in a shortB period of time
while PbCl₂ is not.
9. Write equations for the decomposition of H2CO3(aq) and H2SO3(aq).

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