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A Treatment for an Advert


Prepared by Marli Hughes

Romeo Television


1ST Act

In the first act we are going to start the advert off with a mid-shot of the actor walking to
their front door and opening it and then Jumpcut to the other side of the door as they are
opening it to make a smooth transition. This will still be a mid-shot, and as they take their
mask off to show the era of 2020 when Coronavirus affected everyone in the world it will
cut to a close-up of the mask dropping into the bin to show how once home, they can show
their faces and smile at the magic of Disney. It’s a metaphor for leaving our problems at the
door. In the next scene we will have our older actor walking towards the camera and then
turning at the doorway where the camera will track them until they sit on the sofa and turn
the tv on. There will be a close-up of the tv screen opening onto the Disney+ app and then a
jump cut to the title of Star Wars which will pan around with a transition of some sort to
show a change in time and a flash back. As the panning stop the colour of the video will
change to show the past and it shall be the younger actor sat on the sofa watching Disney+.

2nd Act

In the second act it shall start off with a montage of happy Disney moments that lasts about
five seconds and then jump cut of a close-up to the younger actor reacting to them
(laughing). After this the same will happen again but with sad Disney moments and the
younger actor again reacting (crying or acting sad). This will then follow up with a short 5-10
second montage of many features of the show like films and tv shows including the Marvel,
Pixar, Star Wars and the geographical shows.

3rd Act

For the final act we are going to finish off the advert off a Jumpcut back to the older actor
smiling and remembering the happy times. It will then pan back to the tv and another close-
up of the tv then the Disney+ title will fade in and so will the tagline of “relive the magic”.

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