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Uber provided that added efficiency by having an available Uber taxi everywhere and you can book a
ride anytime through an app unlike in traditional taxis where you need to wait and chase them.

Ubers allow commuters to share their ride with neighbors or anyone who are going in same direction at
the same time and dividing the fare cost among them unlike in taxi or bus where you are charged

Uber creates job because of higher demands of riders, the company hire more drivers to accomodate
them efficiently and effectively.

2. I think the impact of Uber's decision to surge pricing is that they will create economic equilibrium.
When there is a time that the demand for rides exceeds the supply of cars especially during holidays like
Christmas or New Year's Eve, Uber's increase the price of fare. The riders have the option to take the
higher price in order to get a ride or wait until the price fall back, through this Uber ensure that their
customer who are willing to pay the stated price will have rides within minutes. However, this system
appears at inconvenient time where riders are really need of their service and it's unpredictable in when
the fare price is going back to normal. Some abuses this system where the surge price kicks in, it attracts
more drivers and earn high income during this time.

3. The other alternatives I will recommend to continuously improve the operation of Uber are if they
can't really remove the surge pricing because it is the only way to bring equilibrium then they need to
implement strict regulations in on when and how to use it and how much is the cost. Sometimes surge
pricing kicks in even in normal time and it's unpredictable. Uber should informed theirs users a day
before the surge price kicks in and give reasonable price fare.

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