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Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter is divided into three parts: (1) Purpose

of the Study and Research Design. (2) Methods (3)

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure.

Part One, Purpose of the Study and Research Design,

explains the design that guides the collection, measurement,

and analysis of data;

Part Two, Methods, describes the Research participants

of the study, Data-gathering Instrument, Research Procedure,

discusses the plan or course of action which the research

followed in order to answer the research questions or solve

research problems;

Part Three, Data Analysis Procedures, enumerates the

statistical tools employed in analyzing and interpreting the

data gathered.

Purpose of the Study and Research Design

One of the significant problems of a senior high

student are susceptible to irrational financial decisions

which can lead to the habit of borrowing indiscriminately,

lack of financial literacy and financial management skills.

This research study aims to help in attaining

understanding the level of financial literacy and financial

management of ABM students of Filamer Christian University.

This study aims to determine the levels of financial

literacy and the skills in financial management of ABM

senior high students. Furthermore, it sought to investigate

the exposure of students to financial literacy and

management. This study is a quantitative research which is a

correlational research that is a type of non-experimental

research method, in which a researcher measures two

variables, understands and assess the statistical

relationship between them with no influence from any

extraneous variable. As a quantitative research employs

statistical analysis to determine numerically the financial

literacy and financial management of ABM students.



The participants of the study were the 263 randomly

selected ABM students of Filamer Christian University using

the fishbowl method. The number of participants was

determined using the Slovin’s formula. ABM Students from

different sections were considered as participant and were

identified using the stratified random sampling.

The distribution of the respondents is shown in Table


Table 1. The Distribution of the Respondents

ABM Section N N
44 37
11 ABM-Gates
44 37
11 ABM-Jobs
39 33
11 ABM-Pacioli
45 38
11 ABM-Zuckerberg
38 32
12 ABM-A
39 33
12 ABM-B
37 31
12 ABM-C
28 23
12 ABM-D
314 264

Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents. Out

of 314 ABM senior high school students in Filamer Christian

University, 264 were taken as respondents of the study. 37

students from 11 ABM-Gates, 37 students from 11 ABM-Jobs, 33

students from 11 ABM-Pacioli, 38 students from 11 ABM-

Zuckerberg, 32 students from 12 ABM-A, 33 students from 12

ABM-B, 31 students from 12 ABM-C, 23 students from 12 ABM-D

Data-Gathering Instruments

In order to determine the financial literacy and

financial management of ABM students, an adapted financial

literacy and financial management questionnaire will be used

so that the needed data will be demonstrated.

1. Financial Literacy Questionnaire. The questionnaire

has 14 items in total which is to be arbitrarily responded

to us:

Scale Description

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Undecided

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

It is interpreted as:

Mean Score Description

4.41-5.00 Very High

3.41-4.40 High

2.61-3.40 Moderate
1.81-2.60 Low

1.00-1.80 Very Low

This will be subjected to validation by our Research

adviser. After the questionnaire was validated, it will be

Pilot tested to 30 students who are not participants of the


2. Financial Management Questionnaire. The

questionnaire has ite 23 total which is to be arbitrarily

responded to us in:

Scale Description

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Undecided

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

It is interpreted as:

Mean Score Description

4.41-5.00 Very High

3.41-4.40 High

2.61-3.40 Moderate

1.81-2.60 Low

1.00-1.80 Very Low

This will be subjected to validation by our Research

adviser. After the questionnaire was validated, it will be

Pilot tested to 30 students who are not participants of the


Data-Gathering Procedure

The researchers will seek approval from their

Research Adviser of Filamer Christian University, to conduct

the study. The research questions will be adapted from the

internet to be validated by our Research adviser. After the

validation, the students will be informed on what the

research study is for and what is the purpose of their

participation. The questionnaires will be distributed to the

randomly selected students through the use of fishbowl

method. They will be given enough time to provide their

response to each item in the questionnaire.

After acquiring all the needed data, the data

gathered will be encoded and tallied to be interpreted by

the researchers.

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure

The data obtained from the participants were analyzed

using descriptive analysis which was done with the use of

mean and standard deviation. The relationship of variables

will be tested using pearsons r.

Mean. Mean was employed to find out the levels of

financial literacy and financial management of the ABM

boarder students.

Standard Deviation. Standard Deviation was utilized to

determine the responses of the ABM students.

Pearsons r. Pearsons r is employed to see if there is a

statistical relationship between Financial Management and

Financial Literacy.

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