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Hard Rock has adapted to the ever changing demands over time. From an ordinary café
that served classic food, it has upgraded and transformed into a tourist destination with
different themes and offers gifts, live music, concerts, and memorabilia collection. These unique
offerings had caught the attention of many customers both local and foreign tourists. They also
made sure that everything they offer on each of their stores are unique visual and sound
experience that are not a duplicate of any in this world.
Hard Rock also found another way to increase their profit as they introduced
merchandises that are customized to each location. About 48% of the cafe’s sales are from
merchandise such as shirts, jackets, jewelries, keychains, bags, and other accessories being
sold. With these, Hard Rock continued to rise against its competitors and keep its branding in
the large market.

Design of Goods and Services.
Hard Rock aims to enhance every experience of their clients that is why the goods and
services offered varies in every location. As you can see from the merchandises that they sell,
you can easily identify from where the product came from. They also kept the “rock ‘n roll”
image while finding a theme that caters the both local and foreign markets.
Quality Management.
Hard Rock ensures that they will keep the quality of their product in every location as
restaurant goers wanted to have the experience in every visit. They adjust their quality of
operations to match the changes and trends in the market. To improve more, Hard Rock
identifies there strength and weaknesses to identify in which aspect should they adjust to cater
the interests of the market.
Location Strategy.
Hard Rock goes through a series of studies and research to know whether their location
is a feasible place to have a business. They evaluate the market of the potential location along
with identifying the competitors around the area. As mentioned that 70% of their customers
are foreigners, places which tourists loves to go have a huge possibility to become the next
target location
Layout Design and Strategy.
Despite having different locations, their products and services being offered are
uniquely designed according to their location. With the one-of-a-kind memorabilia being
presented on their shops and the distinctive “rock ‘n roll” theme, it has gathered the attention
of customers and other music enthusiasts. The souvenirs sold also added more profit as visitor
would also like to keep something that would remind their experience on the said place.

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