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DERMIS (Surface ectoderm)

 Initially, it is a single layer of ECTODERMAL cells

 During 2nd month, two layers of cell develop from a single layer of cells
 It consists of a superficial flattened cells called PERIDERM and deep cuboidal cells(Basal layer)
 Further proliferation of cells of basal layer gives rise to third intermediate layer
 During 3rd to 5th month , 5 layers are formed
 Up to 5th month, there will be continuous desquamation and keratinization and replacement of
peridermal cells by those arising from basal layer
 After 5th month, periderm disappears and is replaced by stratum corneum
 Proliferation of stratum germinativum extends into dermis as EPIDERMAL RIDGES


It develops from 3 sources

1. Paraxial mesoderm(DERMATOMES forming dorsal aspect of head and trunk)

2. Somatopleuric layer of lateral plate mesoderm (Limbs and ventral and lateral aspect of trunk)
3. Neural crest(HEAD AND NECK REGION)


rd th
During 3 and 4 month, dermal papillae are formed

 EPIDERMAL RIDGES – Epidermis projecting into dermis

 DERMAL PAPILLAE-Dermis in between the epidermal ridges

HAIR (Surface Ectoderm)

 Downgrowth of epidermis into underlying dermis occurs

 Stratum germinativum form a solid oblique epithelial cord known as HAIR BUD
 Hair bud(lower end) is invaginated by mesenchyme condensation and it forms the papilla
 The proliferation of germinal cells overlying the papilla gives rise to the HAIR
 As hair grows to surface, cells forming downgrowth surround the hair forming the EPITHELIAL
 Surrounding the mesenchymal cells are the DERMAL ROOT SHEATH

NAILS (Surface Ectoderm)

 Ectoderm at tip of each digit thickens and forms a primary nail field (10th week)
 Thickening migrates to its dorsal aspect and is surrounded by U-shaped nail folds of epidermis
 Cells in most proximal part of nail proliferate forming: Root of nail and cells of germinal layer:
germinal matrix
 Cells in germinal matrix multiply and form the nail plate
 Stratum corneum disappears from surface of nails EXCEPT from proximal part of nail plate
 Epidermis overlapping proximal part of nail-EPONYCHIUM
 Epidermis below free margin of nail plate-HYPONYCHIUM


 It is formed as a bud arising from ectodermal cells forming the wall of hair follicle
 Bud grows into adjacent dermis and divides into primordial of alveoli and ducts
 Central cells of alveoli degenerates and release sebum
 Arrector Pilli muscle arise from differentiation of mesenchyme adjacent to hair follicle
and it gets attached to dermal sheath of hair follicle
Note: Sebaceous from epidermis in glans penis and labia minora develop independent
from hair follicle



 Develops as a downgrowth from epidermis into dermis(20 th week)

 Downgrowth is solid at first but later gets canalized
 Lower end- Secretory part of gland
 Upper end- Ducts of sweat gland
 Start functioning at time of birth(merocrine and involved in temp regulation)


 Begin to develop during puberty

 Seen in axilla, areolae of nipples, pubic and perineal areas
 Develop from hair follicles in form of buds
 Open into hair follicle
 Named as apocrine as part of secretory cell is shed as secretion


 Appearance of a thickened line of epidermis extending from the base of the forelimb to the
region of the hind limb – MAMMARY RIDGE
 It disappears but a small portion persists and penetrates the underlying mesenchyme
 It forms 16 to 24 sprouts which later give rise to small, solid bud
 By the end of prenatal life, they gets canalized and form lactiferous ducts(Proximal end)
 Buds form small ducts and alveoli of the gland(terminal part of outgrowth)
 Initially, the lactiferous ducts open into a small epithelial pit
 Shortly after birth, this pit is transformed into the nipple by proliferation of the underlying

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